
My mum was on TV need help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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my mum was on tv about ten years ago on an advert does anyone no were i can find the advert its was on itv.




  1. Which advert was it?

  2. What was the advert for and maybe we could find it??

  3. search yotube and google or other popular video sites for the product your mom was advertising

  4. if you can remember what the product/service in the advert was type that,the year, and ITV into youtube :) good luck x

  5. Maybe if you told us the advert she was in we could help. We're not psychic you know!!!!

  6. try youtube...

  7. it would help if we knew what the advert was about

  8. check this site

    what was the add for btw?

  9. Where are you from? If you're from the Philippines, I can help you out.

  10. youtube maybe

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