
My mum won't let me be a vegitarian?!?

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I really want to be a vegitarian and i hate eating meat and i can't get my head around eating an animal. I've been asking my mum if she can stop giving me meat but she won't. How can i make her realise that this is what i want?




  1. Well im a vegetarian but at first my parants wernt happy with the idea just show them a few websites that indicate vegetarianism try you can even get a free starter to her see if she understands if not just refuse and say NO.

  2. being a vegetarian- i see no prob in it! but please eat some vitamin pill as you may lack of some vitamin that veg dun get but meat provide.

    there's a saying goes- im a vegetarian not because i love veg, im a vegetarian cuz i hate veg!! <--you may try this to humour her! CHEERS :)

  3. Pretend to stop eating.  Get food from friends for a while, till she sees the light.  Outright object the meal.

  4. Your mother knows what is best for you. Your mother is following what is natural for you to have in your diet. Avoid paying attention to celebs trends with things such as being a vegan. You don't need to follow what you see people who are on TV and the movies do.

  5. You can tell her how you feel and if you havent. I am a vegetarian as well and of you dont want to eat it, dont. Tell your mom that you will do everyting you can to get your protein and iron (things that you get from meat)

    Thing to buy are thing like:



    -Rice and beans

    -Meatless options such as boca burgers, veggie burgers, and morning star products that you can find in the frozen section of a grocery store. Well i hope this works!!!!

  6. Just dont eat it. She'll get the point.

  7. neither did my mom instead of not eating just dont get pork like get turkey bacon stuff like that.

  8. tell her it's your life, you have to die at the end of it and you're gonna get to that point any way you want to... and then don't eat meat... simple... if possible cook your own meals, obviously if youre old enough

  9. do a little research on how healthy it is for you and some details about being a vegetarian   and show it to your mom so she can have a better understanding of it

  10. ur mum is a very smart woman.. u should listen to her

  11. First of all get pro active and get THEM to change their diet. Talk about health and animal cruelty and the environment, because you care and you are very well informed. Teach THEM as they feel they have to teach you so turn it around. Start though by asking for smaller portions of meat and not finish it because you are really enjoying all the other foods which you must compliment the cook on. Ask to try cooking some of the new recipes you learn here and take an active role in meal prep. They will reach the point where they understand that YOU are allowed to make decisions about your life and you are more informed about those choices than they are, but keep it positive and you will have them following your example, because, of course, you are right.

  12. That would be a hard task because eating a good source of protein is needed for your body to function properly, if its what you really want, try telling her that the thought of eating an animal or what once was an animal sickens you.

  13. Maybe she'd let you be a vegetarian?

  14. Explain to her your veiws. Or stash some food in your room so u don't have to eat the meat.

  15. Tell her why you want to be vegetarian, and do your research so you can tell her about all the health benefits of vegetarianism.

  16. It may have to do with your age. Your mum may be wondering if you are just following some popular trend from other people, rather than having a true sense of conviction about not eating animals. Whichever your age may be, I agree that doing research on how responsible and healthful a vegetarian diet can be, would help her to understand and hopefully respect you more. If you are able and allowed to cook for yourself, then tell your mum that you prefer to do that, and try out some good vegetarian recipes. If not, ask her to make some vegetarian dishes for the whole family to try. They may like them, and incorporate those recipes into their diet. Best of luck to you.

  17. iam a vegan  have been for 2 years now and ive been vegieterian for 3 and before i changed from eating meat my dad hated the fact i was changeing he tried all sorts tostop me but in the end i cooked my own meals and if they cooked for me i dident eat it and id have a simple snack like beans on toast or something they will get the point if u keep refuseing to eat meat but reamber to look after yourself by eating veg and take vitimin pills to keep you strong ! good luck :)

  18. Talk to her when she's not too busy, stressed, or distracted. Explain that going vegetarian is very important to you and ask her what her objections are. Then try to address them.

    If she's worried about your health, offer to see a nutritionist and show her these sites:

    "Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence."

    (I'd print these out before you talk to her, so you can show it to her during the conversation.)

    If she thinks it will be too much trouble, offer to help with meal planning and cooking.

    You could say something like "I respect your choice to eat meat and I'd really appreciate it if you could respect my desire to become vegetarian." Be calm and reasonable, but also firm and don't take "no" for answer. Keep asking what you could do that would make her OK with it. Remember that she can't physically force you to eat meat. If worst comes to worst, just refuse to eat meat and she'll get the point after awhile. Good luck.

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