
My mum wont let me read books i want to read?

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I loved the twilight series and i want to read books like Vampire academy and stuff

but she wont let me read any vampire books. Even if the book has a dark looking cover im not allowed 2 read it.

She wants me 2 read books like 'to kill a mocking bird' and stuff. iv tried and i read other books but i never get into them like vampire stories.

when she sees me reading them she cracks a hissy fit because vampires are supposadly evil. when i tell her they are good vampires she says she doesnt care.

im a good student and get great marks and love reading

all my friends parents dont care.

im not an emo but im not exactly her ideal daughter

she loves me alot but im always being told wat to do. yea shes my mum and stuff but books?

how do i get her to get over them?




  1. Like the other persons answer, i too was forbidden to read Harold Robbins books & given books like Kill a Mocking Bird. Its pointless to tell u its a great novel, it is & when u are ready 4 it urself, u will enjoy it. But 4 now u wanna read what interests u. Some adults get freaked by vampire stuff as the media has led them to think its evil and will lead to dark thoughts. I got around the problem by reading what I wanted in private. Now I am older I like all kinds of books but I think if I didnt read what I liked at ur age, it wouldn't have led to me being an avid reader. Readers are never bored & u learn something from every book no matter what it is. So keep reading what u enjoy!

  2. I've heard this works:

    Get her to read one of your books - one of the more "tame" ones (ie not as much violence etc).

    I don't know, as I've never tried it.  But good luck!!

    Maybe explain that you're not like her, and don't like those sorts of books?

  3. I have a friend that is not aloud to read books of that source. I believe its due to religion or something. And I completely understand. Just read those books when you are not around her. when you are at the library or at school. Hope that helps!

  4. I also love the twilight series, but not every vampire book is like them. In fact I still haven't found one like it and I've been looking for years. I had the same argument with my mom but then I made her read a few books (which she loved and now feels bad for making fun of me) and we compromised. Mix it up a little, read a silly love story along with the vampire books. Show you're mom that just because you read a book about vampires doesn't mean you want to be one and what-not.

    Also you might want to read a few of those classics your mom wants you to read, To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book.

  5. Show her a video of a n**i book burning.  A bit extreme, maybe.

    Tell her that fiction is not inherently evil and that vampires aren't real.  Then go through her books and read the synopses, I'm sure you'll find something evil.  call her on it.

  6. just sit her down when she's in a goodish mood and talk through it with her. my mum was the same about me watching some movies, she wanted me to watch gone with the wind, so i know exactly where you're coming from. I just talked to her, and said that i liked them, and eventually she understood and let me. it just takes time. just don't get angry or irrational, and use logic with her ok? she'll be fine.  

  7. Vampire books are harmless.  You may find that if your are able to read them, you may go through them and get bored with them and it will have been a phase.  Our parents will not always understand us.  Trust me.  I have wasted much time over the years, trying to get my parents to understand and accept me.  Well, that's not going to happen.  LOL

    Now, I just accept it.  I would suggest getting some extra money and maybe buying them at discount or from a used book store and then hide them or keep them at a friend's house whose parents will allow them to read books like that.

  8. Take a break from vamp novels.  Go to a bookstore and get a copy of Boroughs "Naked Lunch" and Jack Kerouac's "On the Road"  Make sure she sees you reading those, oh I almost forgot, Hunter S Thompson's " Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas".  She sees you reading these, and she'll beg you to go back to Vampire Novels.

  9. Difficult situation. I would

    a. take it up with her, explain exactly what kinds of books you like, and listen to her reasoning.

    b. compromise.

    Your mother is very right in her opinions. I think you are also entitled to yours. To Kill A Mockingbird is a great novel, as is many novels like that.

    But I am a serious fan of the Twilight only good suggestion is expand your interests and genres. Its hard, but just explore. I can make some good recommendations to good sci-fi young adult fantasy stuff.

    the harry potter series(obviously), East, The Host (adult novel, has a slightly creepy cover, but its not vampire-ish. but its by stephanie meyer as well), and Eragon/Eldest. books like that. very similar styles. Tamora Pierce is wonderful at her works. if you decide to read her books, start with Lioness Rampant series. its the beginning to the long list of quartets all linked to eachother.  

  10. I remember when I wanted to read different books and my mum didn't approve

    I'd just read them when she's not around

  11. First off "To Kill a Mocking Bird" is dead boring.

    Second, not every vampire book out there is good (most aren't) for example, House of Night novels stink, Twilight has been ruined (although it is still a good first three books), and the rest of vampire novels follow a familiar pattern so that once you read one you've read them all. Sorry.

    My suggestion is to bargaining with your mom. Tell her that you will listen to all her reasons of why she doesn't want you to read them (without you interrupting) and then she has to listen to all your reasons of why you want to (without her interrupting).

    If that doesn't work, I would suggest finding books you both like. It seams like you are into fantasy, just find some book that has fantasy stuff in it that she will be alright with.

  12. when i was 12 i started to read harold robbins books (google him and i think you will find that he isn't pre-teen reading material ... ) my parents didn't stop me and i don't think i would have stopped my child from reading them was around the same time i started reading stephen king ....

    we all have our reading preferences... but the books that you're mum wants you to read ( by the sound of it ) are modren day classics.. TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD  is a brilliant book.. perhaps do a deal with your mum... tell her that you do find it hard to get into the books she's suggesting .. but that you will try .. say that you will read one of her suggestions to two of your preference..

    and ALSO what might help you get into the books your mum is suggesting is if you see if you can get copies of the movies of the books .. ( you'll love Gregory Peck in To Kill A Mocking Bird).. that way it might help with your visualization of the book .

    Incidently I don't read books like those Harold Robbins wrote...I prefer the classic or non-fiction .. OH yeah and I still enjoy a good stephen king novel.

  13. Ahh yes, very annoying. I am happy to have parents that actually LIKE me readings books like that :p.

    Explain to her that Vampires are interesting and that reading is good for the brain. If she wraps you up in cotton wool, what will happen when you grow up?

    Also, you need SOMETHING to do and reading is good an lets u forget reality fro a while.

    Good luck!


  14. Same here. lol. I only watched the "Harry Potter" movie last year. It was aired when I was 8 or 9. That's 5 or 6 years. She said that witches are evil.

    Then, she wouldn't even let us watch "Pokemon" because the first two syllables is a vulgar word in our country.

    But my dad is cool and he told my mom that Pokemon is okay. hahaha. But it was too late. I had already given away my pokemon collectibles. .... = (

    She doesn't let me read Stephen King too but she said that Danielle Steel is OKAy. Fortunately, she doesn't know who Mary Higgins Clark is. Weee...

    You'll be able to read it in time. There's no use in telling you to "tell you mom that. . . " from what's written in the details, I concluded that our moms are alike-- unreasonable. Wait till you're older.

    LOL. and I have another idea. Borrow your friend's twilight book or trade some of your books for a twilight one on In that way, you won't need to buy it. Just read it while you're in school or out of the house.

    Now, if you don't want to lie to your mom, just wait till you're older.

    Good luck!


    P.S. The first answerer is right too. But maybe you can tell her that for every two of her books that you read, you can have 1 that you like. 2 points for her, 1 for you. This way, it sounds that she's still the one who has the advantage.

  15. If your mother is religious - forget it. She will never like it. But maybe if you like dark stuff, try for Edgar Allen Poe or H.P. Lovecraft. I doubt she would make a fuss over what is considered classic. Here's another suggestion: try out Ann Rice's new "Jesus" book and make sure she sees it. THen move on to her "Vampire" books - the ones that don't have  "Vampire" in the title. You might squeeze by on author association. Frankly, I never had your problem and I feel for you. She's lucky that you are reading. Most people don't anymore. Good luck.

    PS "Mockingbird" is the best book ever written. Fact. Take it from me - I've read thousands, including all the serious Vampire fiction.

  16. hmm

    tell her they're just stories and that maybe for every 2 books you read that you pick you'll read one of hers?!

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