
My muslim friend, Will it be hard to get a job?

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I'm worried about it, she's been out of school for a few years now and she's done an Office Admin course but she is still yet to get a job, Are people being racist and not giving her a job due to the outfit she has to wear.




  1. It happens to anybody not just on muslim people. Nowadays life is very tough & competition is very tough. Being able to stand out from teh rest of applicants is the key in getting a job & i think that is what's really lacking in your friend. As for the outfit, its ok to wear a head veil but she should wear corporate attire alongside with it though it varies depending on the type of job your friend is applying.

  2. When I left school, I couldn't get a job for months on end. I had to do some temping and eventually decided to return to education. Perhaps she should try temping or voluntary work while she looks for work. She'll have something extra to add to her CV. And I'm not sure if they are turning her down because of her outfit. Has she received any interviews yet?

  3. Well thats discrimination.

    You can get them done for that.

    Take them to court or a Tribunerial to discuss the matter.

  4. Even before 9-11, some people were overly-judgemental about who they hired - some people are just natural bigots.  For every bigot there are numerous decent folk out there who wouldn't hire someone purely on their clothes, religion, etc. (unless it was specifically related to the position, which is usually rare.)

    Office Administration is an area where there are many, many people going for the one job - it's always been extremely competitive.  Your friend will be up against all sorts of people all the time, so perhaps you should consider whether she has the emotional endurance to continue searching?  (Personally, I think that should be of greater importance to her than what people would think of her outfit.)

    I hope she finds a position soon.  :)

  5. Nowadays when someone says MUSLIM  other person hears TERRORIST without even knowing any truth or about that person so obviously she is going to face many problems but i tink so that until she has caring friends like u she will overcome all the hurdles for sure so not to worry just be ith ur friend and help her boosting her moral

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