
My muti-vitamin makes my pee bright yellow?

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Is it ok for that to happen does it mean it is working or I have to much of it? Please help




  1. There is dye in the formula and B vitamins. They both make your pee yellow.  Try drinking more water in general and it will probably be paler.

  2. If your concerned or having issues with your urine Goo see a doctor other wise listen to me info i have for you .. You could be dihidrated it might not be just because of your vitimin tablets! Try to drink more and more possebly 8 glasses of water a day! or more

    Hope i helped =) xx

  3. Extra vitamins that are not needed are often expelled from the body.  If your urine is a bright yellow colour, this usually means that it is rich in vitamins.  

  4. It is because your body is receiving too much of certain vitamins or minerals and it is excreting the unused waste through the urine.  As long as you dont reach toxic levels you are fine.

  5. Here's a quick multi break down. A,D,E,K and P are not water soluble are stored in our fat cells. Typically we store about a 2 year supply of these. What you are seeing as bright yellow urine is primarily B6 and other water soluble  vitamins in the B family as well as C and Beta Carotene. Our bodies have an ability to absorb much more than it needs. The bright color you see is simply the extra after the body has synthesized it. Because we can't store these water soluble vitamins it's important to take them regularly. A balanced  B50 or 100 complex, 2 grams/2000mg and 100-300mg of Beta Carotene. GNC has a pretty good 2 per day active line of multi's. Centrum, Total, and most all once per day tablets are not what's best for our bodies. As seen in our urine after taking a multi we over absorb very quickly. Our bodies can only allocate so much energy into synthesizing vitamins in one digestion stage. Haven taken a split dosage we can more properly control out vitamin intake. Once a day is convenient, but since when is what's convenient, what's best...  Hope that helps!

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