
My name is Andrea R Sharpley i want to know when was mines mailied?

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My name is Andrea R Sharpley i want to know when was mines mailied?




  1. What? Could you be a little more specific?

  2. What the heck??? I think she may be talking about for her stimulus check - that is my only guess... Good  thing she didn't give her freakin social security number!

  3. Give me your social security number and I will tell you. LOL!!!!

  4. huh? when what was mailed?and how shud we know lOL!

  5. when was what mailied if your talking about the stimulus  check it goes by your last 2 social # and  they will send you a letter stating when it should be here by

  6. huh? Your what mailed?

  7. im sorry i dont understand what this question is about

  8. Don't give out personal information over the internet.

    Go to and look for your answer there.

  9. Not sure.

  10. oh this is a thanks for the 2 pts answer....

    they go by your soc#

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