
My name is Chloe but I can't bear it when people call me "Clo"?

by  |  earlier

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Can anyone think of a shortened version for chloe, which is different and original?




  1. how bout c? i like chloe...this isnt my real name but its my favorite. keep it the way it is. :) and when people call you by the short name and you hate it. just dont reply. until someone asks whats wrong say "thats not my name so im not going to reply" works for me when someone mispells my name

  2. 5 letters is already short enough, Clo.  

  3. Low Ee.

  4. Nope, just get Tshirts printed that say:

    My name is ChloEEeeeeeee, not Clo

  5. well people can call u loe if u likei guess  

  6. Cho, Loe, Lee, Chee.

  7. E :)

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