
My name is Rachel and my parents told me that my name meant princess?

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well thats what mey parents told me im not sure though the said that my sister's name means Queen cause there are alot of sarah queens and there were alot of princesses named rachel it seems to make since but when i looked up the name it meant ewe? GROSS! Can it mean Princess?




  1. Rachel means lamb or ewe (female sheep)

  2. That's my name too.  Most sources say it means "Lamb of God."  So yeah, ewe may be right.

  3. To add to the other answers, yes it's Hebrew, but it could also come from Ancient Egypt, as the 'ra' part referred to a  prince or princess there. It's also in the name 'Sarah', which means princess in Hebrew.  

    The Hebrews were captive as slaves in Egypt (descended from Joseph coat-of-many-colours and his relatives, then left many years later, under Moses, after the plagues). So it's no surprise that their names may have connections to Egyptian, and so yes, Rachel could well mean princess.

  4. Jewish - old testament.  Long description see source.

  5. My daughter's name Zarra means princess.

  6. In the Bible, the second wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.

  7. Rachel actually has two alternative meanings, "ewe" and "the innocence and gentility of a rose."  If you understand the biblical story of Rachel, you will perhaps appreciate the name's meaning.

    Jacob, the son of Issac and grandson of Abraham, wanted to wed the beautiful Rachel, so accordingly he worked seven years herding sheep for her father, so he could marry his beloved.  During the wedding ceremony, Laban, Rachel's father, substituted her older sister Leah as the veiled bride.  The next morning, Jacob discovered Laban's trick, but he had already consummated the marriage.  Accordingly, Jacob worked another seven years to wed Rachel.  

    Rachel bore Jacob two very famous sons, Joseph and Benjamin.  Joseph, who was sold into slavery in Egypt by his half brothers, eventually became a high-ranking minister to the Pharaoh and is credited with saving the Hebrew people from famine.  Of course, they eventually became enslaved by the Egyptians before another famous biblical hero, Moses, brought them out of bondage.

    Now isn't it most flattering to know that you were named after a legendary woman whose suitor worked 14 years to wed her?

  8. The girl's name Rachel \r(a)-chel\ is pronounced RAY-chel. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "ewe, female sheep". Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Jennifer Aniston's character in the popular TV series "Friends" was named Rachel. Rachelle (ra-SHELL) is a variant pronunciation; Raquel is popular in Spain. See also Richelle and Rochelle. Actresses Raquel Welch, Rachel Ward, Rachel Griffins; author Rachel Carson.

    Ewe=female sheep."

  9. Al lI know is that Rachel is a Jewish name!

  10. Rachel is a hebrew name meaning Ewe....sorry, we are not princesses.

  11. ewe ; innocence and gentility of a rose, innocent lamb, or it may mean lovely,  

    its originally a hebrew name

  12. the name Sarah means princess

  13. no no no no no. ewe is not 'ewwww'. Ewe in english is a female sheep. but rachel is a character in the bible whose name means 'innocence and gentility of a rose o' or 'lovely'

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