
My name is Sandra Houston, and I'm Charge for TLG-GreatFN and I didn't authorized for it to be taken out.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Okay. Now what is your question?  

  2. Contact the vendor and your bank and ask that charges be investigated and reversed.  Inform the bank that you suspect identity theft and ask that your account be closed and a new account opened.   Check all 3 credit bureaus to see what else might be going on w/out your permission. Seriously consider Identity Theft protection like the one at which is the only;y one I know of that has professional investigators and lawyers who help restore your identity n all 6 areas of potential ID theft instead of just telling you it happened and giving you a list of stuff for you to do that can take 200 hrs or more.   Hopefully it is just an error somehow but it sounds like you are on of the thousands of ppl whose identity has been scammed and the quicker you act on it the smaller your losses will be.

  3. Call your credit card company and tell them you want to dispute the charge.

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