
My name is Sarah and I'm also a freshman in high school. Ive read some answers about flight attendants.?

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The one that caught my eye is that you can't have any visible scars on your face of legs. Well, a couple of years ago I got bit by a dog and since then I got a permanent scar on my nose. Does anyone think it'll effect MY chances of becoming a flight attendant??




  1. i dont think so there goin to hire u if they think youll be good for the job and u could put some coverup over

  2. Maybe back in the 1960's that might have been something they could get away with, but today that would be discrimination and they could be sued if they didn't accept you for a job because of a scar.

    The only things that would prevent you from getting a job would be if you did not meet all the physical ability requirements or failed the training courses, or if there simply weren't enough jobs for all the qualified candidates.

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