
My name is Sunny & DOB is 27-August-1983 at 5:16pm in Jaipur, India.Please let me knw my sun sign & moon sign?

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My name is Sunny & DOB is 27-August-1983 at 5:16pm in Jaipur, India.Please let me knw my sun sign & moon sign?




  1. i belive they are called ster signs not sun and moon aign

    and your star sign is the virgo

    "The Virgin"

    Short Summary

    Virgo's are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. People think they're fussy, critical bad tempered and picky but that's only because they want everything to be perfect. This is the sign of cleanliness, although lots of Virgo's have the grottiest bedrooms and hang their clothes on the floor. They're extremely inquisitive and have a dreadful time trying to relax. Virgo's make fantastic friends. If a minor crises pops up you can be sure the Virgo will have everything under control in 30 seconds. They are always on the move because they like to learn as much as they can before they take off again. They excel at work so they probably get all the boring jobs (the ones Leo wouldn't be seen dead doing).

  2. Hi, my name is Feythe and I'd like to explain to you the difference between Astronomy and Astrology. :-)

    AstroNOMY: the study of objects and matter outside the earth's atmosphere and of their physical and chemical properties.

    AstroLOGY: the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects.

    Hopefully that clears things up for you. You've posted your question in the wrong category.

    By the way, astrology isn't real and doesn't work, if you'd like to read a good article explaining why, check out the link below.

    Take care. :-)

  3. no. you will have to make up your own answers. this is what astrologers do. they do other things too, but yahoo would suspend my account if i said what else astrologers do.

  4. This is the ASTRONOMY topic---

    Please post your question in the ASTROLOGY topic--

  5. No. Can you not tell the difference between Astronomy and Astrology. You are in the wrong place. For a 25 year old you are very uneducated.

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