
My name was spelled wrong on an award. What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously I didn't want to say anything during the awards ceremony. How do I bring this up with the people who issued the award?




  1. If you have direct access to some of them, walk into his/her office with a big smile, thank him/her for the award and then add "look, it's kind of silly, but my name is misspelled here, see?" If they offer to fix it don't say "oh, don't worry, it's nothing really" because they might say "ok, whatever" and you'll feel like a dummy. Hand it to them and thank them. If they don't react at all or say there's nothing they can do about it, say "nevermind", walk out and file that guy/girl under the "idiot" category (but don't say it loud!).

  2. One word.....Sharpie!

  3. If you can let it go, let it go. If not, tell them about it by email, mail or face to face.

  4. Let them know how much you are enjoying your award and you can't wait to display it, but that your name needs to be corrected.  I used to have a long last name and had to do this several times.  They will be happy to take care of it for you.

  5. Go to them and tell them nicely that they mis-spelled your name, and they will most likely correct it and get you a new plaque.

    If they say, well, we're sorry, or anything like that, give them the plaque back and just say you "..can't accept it, it dooesn't belong to be it belongs to her..." and then quietly walk out and go back to work.

    But, I don't think you'll have a problem, it'll be fixed.

    The main thing here is, do they spell your name correctly on your paycheck? If they do, then thats really all that matters, they can keep the award.

  6. You can laugh it off and ignore it, or you can politely inform the person/company who gave you the award.  Call them and say you want to thank them again for the award, you're really honored, but you just wanted to let them know that your name was spelled wrong, and they should update their records with the correct name.

    They will probably offer to fix the name on the award, and you can graciously accept their offer.

  7. Email them and be polite.  Let them know that your grateful for the recognition but wanted to point out that your name was spelled wrong.  They may offer to have the award fixed or they may just offer an apology. Either way you have to live with what they want to do.  Its the thought that counts and embarrassing on their part. Be gracious and congratulations for whatever the award was for.

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