
My nana said am a failure, how can I overcome this?

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My major is Mechanical Engineering.

I hate math, but I love tech and the idea of building being able to create robotics like in Japan and/or helping companies here creating the next big thing such as cell phones,toys, cars and planes and so on, I now read Engineering magazines and started to enjoy studying math since the fear of it has long been gone.

But due to my sad childhood from very bad happenings I grew up mute until 17 I started to be more open and at 18 I then became a normal person for my age. But because of my past it shocks my grandma today I know how to use a washer and no one had to teach always knew how to use a washer (I was 19 when she was shock) am 21 now.

But my nana said yesterday because I needed someone to talk to because of the stress of having to help watch my 2 year old sister (am 21 ) and feel I have already lost most of my youth from being mute and now at 21 helping big time with a active, loud, and playful 2 year old and my mother works a lot, but watching someone her age who is messy and pulls everything down when trying to have your own life its not happening.

So to the point I called my nana because I was crying and wanted to really end myself, and my mom has anger problems and she can make a simple problem become HUGE, and I needed some comforting.

My nana told me to call a therapist, and get on meds and quit college and get a job like Mc Donalds and be real..............I hung up on her after.

My grandma and nana have said some harsh things and my mom has been positive school wise but puts me down when it comes to a cheap person and not into name brand or pricey stuff.

Also since my nana said that am worried.

My math level is...ok lets just say very low, but I have been bringing it up.

What if my nana is right?

What should I do?

My math level is very very very.................very low and its been going up slightly, but what if my nana is right??

Sorry for making this so long!




  1. all you have to do is get better at math.

    its tough for women just like empathetic trades like nursing and social work are harder for men.

    try harder, invest more personal time in improving your math skills.

  2. I don't understand. If you're in college then you must be doing well. I would separate myself from that family and have nothing to do with them.

  3. I'm sorry, but theres no way you can be crappy at math and have a major in Mechanical Engineering.

    Dont kid me about this stuff, my big brother is a mechanical engineer, he uses math every day in his job, complex, complicated math that i barely grasp despite taking math all the way up to graduation and in college.

    But i'll assume the rest of your question is real.

    Your nana is wrong, educaton is the BEST way to go, tell her to get "real".

    But honestly, you shouldn't care what other people think, i know its easy to say that, but you shouldn't take advice from someone who condemns you for not wearing expensive clothes.

    BTW your in the wrong major if you want to create technology like robotics.

    I would major in Computer Science or Information Technology.

    Mechanical engineering is more like building bridges, maintaining electrical turbines, perhaps designing vehicles.

  4. I am by no means an expert, but if I were you-

    Calling a therapist can help. It could do you some good to have someone to talk to. A psychiatrist could tell you if you need meds or not; again, not necessarily a bad thing, for controlling anxiety etc. Do not quit college unless that's what you want to do, keep trying at it. Although if your doing low in the field of study you want to major in, I'm sorry to tell you you might want to re-think it, to save yourself a lot of frustration trying to excel at something that you aren't very talented in.

    I would also recommend having as little contact with your nana as possible if she's constantly upsetting you like this. It's not emotionally healthy. As for your mom, all I can wonder is what on earth is wrong with not liking pricey clothes?

    Sorry if it's not very helpful but I wanted to try and help ya.

  5. You have already shown that you are a strong person, because you have overcome a lot in your life and still have your dreams and goals.

    It might be that your Nana is worried that you ar doing too much, and will not be able to cope. Nanas are very good at worrying ~ they remember how hard life has een for them at times and look forways to save their children and grandchildren from pain.

    If you follow your advice, perhaps you will not have pain, but you will also not have to great joy that comes from acieving the goals you have set for yourself.

    You may be able to make some practical changes that will make life a little easier for you ~for example, why must YOU care for your two year old sister. You may need to talk with your mother and explain that it is not always possible for you to do this, as you have your own work to do.

    At 21 and with your history you may already be somewhat behind others of your age but that does not matter nowadays ~ you can go to school and achieve at any age.

    You are old enough to make your own choices in life, and sometimes these choices may be hard or cause heartache for a time, but if you are true to your own goals, you can have the life you want.

    You may also benefit from speaking with someone at the link below about your feelings of unhappiness. They are good people who will not break your confidentiality. It is a free service.

    Best wishes and good luck to you! :-)

  6. Ask them if you can have home tutoring or go somewhere to be tutored like kumon.

    edit: my parents would be proud if i were you.   ;)

  7. You can take an inventory test that tells you and schools where you are in math. After that, the counsolers will work with you byassigningg you theappropriatee classes to get you up to parr in your math.

    Everything is possible with hard work ethic, a good plan, and a positive attitude.

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