
My nasty family 'friends' are coming down next weekend. how shall i make it bearable?!?

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The only reason we are friends with them is because my parents are friends with the mum and dad... but their kid is a nightmare. shes the same age as me, but acts REALLY young, and the only thing she is interested in is horses. Sometimes when she is at my house, she says stuff like 'Omg i could be at the stables now. I miss ponies... etc etc'. They are staying for two nights as usual, and i really dont know how to make it ok. Obviously my parents still need to have friends, but i think the girl likes me more than i like her, so we cant be like 'Oh sarahs going to a sleepover so can your daughter not come down this time?'. I understand that it would be selfish to ask my parents never to see them again, but they know that i cant stand this girl. So, is there anything that you reckon we could do together to fill the time...(no disgusting childish answers please) that would appeal to a girl that is nothing like me?! and she always makes fun of me because apparently i talk posh which isnt true its just because i have an english accent and she has a scottish accent. argh! sorry peeps. i neeeeeeed help. school is bad enough already.




  1. Maybe you can get another friend to hang with you guys that way it might not be so awkward an unbearable with just the two of you.

  2. Could you arrange an outing or 2 with your other friends like go to a bowling alley or movies or iceskating or something?  Somewhere where you are not one-on-one and being driven up the wall.  Like get a few more friends around the both of you.  Like whatever you might usually do could you include her and be nice to her.  It would be more of a worry for you if they were staying a week.  It would help your parents relax if you "appeared" to be having a nice time with this girl.  Could you suggest you go somewhere involving horses like the Races?  Could even suggest the whole lot of you parents and all have a day out at Ascot (or wherever) but then she might be your friend for life and we can't have that!

  3. I tend to attempt to do things the annoying person won't like. If she hates "wasting" time...try watching a movie in the middle of the day. If she is lazy, constantly go off on walks to the store and stuff. Basically just find things she won't want to do and do them as much as possible so that she won't stick around with you, but you won't be telling her to leave. Don't do really obvious stuff, just slyly figure out her dislikes and go with those.

  4. I give you a lot of credit for trying to make the best of a crappy situation.  If she complains about how she could be at the stables or whatever, tell her you could be doing other things too but unfortunately, here she is and here you are and she needs to just get over it!   Is there a fair or festival in town you could go to?  Maybe a movie (that would prevent her from talking or complaining)?  Most girls love to shop - maybe you could go troll the mall and have lunch?  If you're too young to do that on your own, maybe your parents will allow you to have a get together with your friends at your home that way, you have people you are comfortable with and it will force your friend to meet other people, which will take the heat off you for a while.  Hang in there!  Good luck!

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