
My navel smell is that normal?

by  |  earlier

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It smells lyke its tyme 2 change my navel ring but i caint bc i gat it pierced on july 14....




  1. You may have an infection due to the piercing not healing properly I don't suppose it's gangrene but see the doctor if it doesn't heal sooner than later.

  2. do not use alchohol or peroxide, it effectively cleans it but it will dry and really irritate your skin.

    use a normal disinfectant hand soap, i prefer the ones that foam.  dont take your piercing out, it usually takes at least four months to heal.  when you clean it with a q-tip just be sure to turn it a lot to get all the soap in.

  3. heheee

    mine smells gnarly toooo !

    unatractive huh ?

    im not fat or nething so i dont understand whyyy.

  4. just get a q-tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol or peroxide, rub it in your navel and then rinse it with water.

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