The great Ten Commandments help your life path,
To follow the rules will ensure your heart to laugh.
They are very hard to keep within the heart,
Yet they show love and kindness of which you are a part.
Rule one states: No other God before me,
For God said; "He’s within us" so why don’t we all see?
Don’t go looking through the wrong door,
To worship within will bring disappointments by the score.
Rule two states no images from earth or land,
To make images of idols the commandments have banned,
Why would you wish to worship a statue made of wood,
When all that is required, is to love your God as you should.
Rule three states; don’t take God's name in vain,
For you would be putting blasphemy to his name.
Take a step back, just think what has been said,
God is within you; live life with joy instead.
The Sabbath is the fourth rule for us to apply,
A full day of rest, not only work before we die,
It’s a day to think inwardly, find the love within your heart,
Then share it with family, keeping dreams from falling apart.
Honor thy mother and father rule five then tells us,
Quite easy, you would say, others missed the bus.
You take aim at your parents for troubles inside,
Instead look closely, yourself you should analyze.
You shall not murder, commandment six states,
Then through bad judgment a life you happen to take.
Please think again before this crime,
All the attack is on you, realization will hit in time.
Adultery rule seven single-handedly stands accusing,
Definition’s many genres, only oneself-losing.
Then we have commandment eight, thy shall not steal,
Sometimes very hard, when the kids need a meal.
So mark my words, hear them well, set them in stone,
Have faith you’ll provide, to steal never condone.
You shall not bear false witness, against a neighbor rule nine says,
Alas, we do this daily, we decide to whom, and what days.
An untruth against a neighbor, perhaps you want something now!
What we don't realize, the universe will never allow.
So here at last commandment ten, is set right down in stone,
When we think of this commandment, all we do is moan.
Do not covet thy neighbor’s wife, or property, this rule does say.
Desire, lust take over, but we pay for that too one day.
Now let’s take another look, decide what has been said,
The rules want us to find out before we are dead.
Follow the rules, look within, become our higher self,
Make our heart loving, always stay true to yourself.
Jesus showed us perfection, for us He went to the cross,
He knew that if not perfect that we'd get lost.
He took that cross and clung to it, forgiving all mankind.
So you see I beg of you, look within and don't be blind.