
My neice needs me to ak an ice-skating question.... =]?

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My niece, who is about 5' 3" and is 10 (I know, she's tall hehe) wants to know what a good weight range would be to be a good figure skater.


Answers much appreciated!




  1. check out her BMI as long as shes in the healthy range for that she is good. tell her best of luck from me. to check her bmi go to

  2. Weight is not that much of a factor for skating, there were several girls at my rink who were "overweight", and they did just fine and enjoyed the sport as much as the girls who appeare close to unhealthily underweight.  As long as you healthy, and have a BMI close to what's good for your height/age range (generally around 25 or a little under), then you're good.  The most important thing about skating is hard-work and dedication while remembering to have a good time and enjoy what you're doing.  It's an art as much of sport!  Tell your niece good luck, and to just be healthy!

  3. Weight is not an important factor in ice skating just so long as she feels healthy and fit to skate. A slim 5'3" for a ten year old would be 8 stone but it varies for everyone and especially in children.

  4. In figure skating skaters that are a little lighter usually are able to jump a little higher, but there is not real good weight range that is what most figure skaters should fall in. I think that as long as a skater is in a healthy weight range that they can do well in skating, and as long as they are willing to try and work hard they can do well.

  5. What a good weight is for some skaters is too much or little for others.  Skating relies so much on strength that you don't want to be so thin that you don't have the muscles to get through the jumps and through a program.  On the other hand, some skaters are tinier, so they don't want to weigh as much and mess up their center of gravity during jump rotations.

    If your niece is really interested in this, she might consult with a nutritionist who can tell her what a healthy weight for her height is and maybe suggest a good list of healthy foods to eat to maintain that weight.

    If it helps at all, I'm 5'5'', weigh about 145lbs and can do all my doubles (of course, I'm a smidge out of shape and happen to be 13 years older than your niece, so take that with a grain of salt! ;)

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