
My neighbor, her trailer and treading lightly. Suggestions

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My neighbor up the lane, had lost her husband last year and rarely rides anymore. She has a trailer that has been parked (unused) in her front drive for several months now. Every time I drive by, I wonder if she might want to sell it. I would like to approach her about it, but don't want to offend her or assume she even wants to sell it.

I don't even know what it would be worth, or what a reasonable offer would be. I haven't bought a trailer in many years and am not up on current trailer values.

It is a Featherlight aluminum 3/4 ? horse slant load goose neck with dressing room. If I recall it is 5 to 8 years old?

What do you think a reasonable offer would be?

How would you approach this gracefully?




  1. I looked that type of trailer up on Ebay, looks like they are around $10,000-$20,000, although those were all quite new ones, If she is willing to sell it see what she thinks a good price would be.

    Just knock on her door and politely say you were looking into buying a new trailer, would she by any change be interested in selling hers? Just take a deep breath and ask, the worst that could happen is she says no.

    Good luck!

  2. i would just ask if she would think about selling her trailer.

    and let her pick a price and see if u think that it is worth it. go on some trailer  web sites and see what they want for used trailers that r that age and that condition  

  3. I'd cruise the internet for the same trailer to get an idea of value before doing anything.

    Then, I'd write a note expressing your interest if she ever decides to sell a "please consider me first "kind of thing......and invite her to call you if she is interested.

    I got into a thing like this with a neighbor's pool table....the price she wanted was too high based on my research, and it was very uncomfortable.  I couldn't decide which would be more insulting to say I'd changed my mind about buying it, or to offer a lower price.  I ended up just saying I'd changed my mind about the purchase with some lame excuse and wished I'd never started the whole thing in the first place.  There's a whole long story that follows, but it ended up with me not wanting to buy one and have her see it being delivered and it got ridiculous.  Just be sure you want to go there.

  4. I can't help you with price my husband made ours.

    The approach?  Simply observe that she doesn't seem to be using it as often would she be interested in selling.  Then she can say yes or no.  

    Simple and straight forward are better than beating around the bush.  You must also take her answer what ever it is gracefully.  If she says no its not for sale then say ok and leave it.  She'll remember you were interested and if she cahnges her mind she'll say so.

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