
My neighbor's alarm has been going off for hours now, what can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment complex, and I have a feeling the alarm isn't monitored since no one has shown up to fix it. It's past 11 now, should I just call the cops? I don't know the exact apartment number, so would they just walk around till they found it?




  1. calling the cops seems smart

  2. Is this a house burglary alarm - or an alarm clock?  If it is a burglary alarm, why the h**l didn't you call the police immediately-- if it's an alarm clock... call the people who manage the apartments and let them know - you don't sleep-they don't sleep.  Call them every time you hear it.  You could call the police and tell them it might be wise for them to see if the apartment renter is dead in there.

  3. (The cops won't like this answer.)

    Yes, call the cops, and keep calling them every time the alarm goes off.

    I used to live in an apt bldg and a nearby store alarm went off constantly. It would sound all night long and keep everyone awake. I finally started calling the cops every time it went off. They got really, really tired of me calling and came by to "suggest" I stop calling. I suggested they contact the owner of the business to correct his defective alarm and that, in spite of their tough-guy stance, I would continue to call until the problem was corrected.

    The cops fixed the problem within a week but citing the business owner AS PER THE LAW!

  4. I would call the none emergency police number and tell them that, and if they have like a sign, monitered by bla bla company, call the company

  5. For heaven's sake, call the police.  If it is a false alarm and continues to occur the renter will be fined; but, if it's not a false alarm and someone needs help and you sit back not getting involved then you would be at least morally responsible.  One phone call, 30 seconds, end of problem.

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