
My neighbor's flea ridden, worm infested cat had kittens in my tree this morning. what should i do?

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this morning my neighbors cat had kittens in my tree in the front yard.she had been coming around with her last litter about a month and a half ago. we noticed that the kittens had terrible fleas so we flea bathed them, gave them flea collars, and even wormed them because we saw that the mother had worms. the newborn kittens(two, one was stillborn) are in a deep hollowed out hole in our tree. it has rained a couple of days and it is damp in there.the mother is cramped to get in there to feed her kittens and fear they are not warm in the tree. we face many problems!! the kittens will certainly have fleas on them since mother is full of them! do we try to move the kittens out of the tree? the mother has worms. i talked to the owner today and the only contribution they were willing to give was giving us there leftover cat food. i love animals but i dont have the money to spay,flea and worm all these animals that aren't mine. i could opt to take them to take them to a animal shelter cause i know what will happen to her and the kittens! i wish i had some support somewhere so i could care for them all. fortunately her first litter was all boys or we would have even more serious problems. does anyone know of a program where we could get the mother spayed at a nominal fee? the more help we could get the more we could do for these pore kittens! HELP!!!




  1. Call a local animal shelter and talk to them about your situation.

    Whatever happens- the cat is better off having a chance in life with her kittens than it is staying where it is, getting pregnant constantly and being neglected by her owners.

    If you want to adopt the cat later on when the kittens are grown up thats great- tell the shelter this- it will defiantely give them a better chance of finding new homes if somebody is interested in adopting the mother.

    The shelter will be able to treat all of the cats for fleas and worms, vaccinate them and desex them which will all be included in the adoption price. Usually these prices are much lower than what it would cost if you went to the vets and had to pay for it yourself.

    If you dont want to go to an animal shelter try to find somebody that rescues animals locally that can help you out, or alternatively you could talk to your local vet and see if they can offer you any options.

    good luck

  2. Wow you are so sweet for caring.  I thought programs like PAWS didn't terminate an animal's life.  I could be wrong.  I would contact a couple local vets and talk to them and as for referrals to places that may have free spay and neuter days or discounted ones.  There has got to be a way to do it.  Sincerely, Good luck

  3. In Long Beach CA, where i live there is a number I can call and get a HUGE discount on getting my pet fixed. I suggest looking that up in your area, with Humane Society.

    Also I would call your neighbor in Humane Society as they're not taking care of their poor animal. I would try to get the babies out and at least buy powder milk formula and hand feed the babies because they'll just get sick with the mother or die from the coldness of the tree.

  4. google "feral cat rescue" for your area. many of them will spay for free. all you do is feed.

    you do need to get them out of the tree. if you cant bring then inside, maybe a shed or under a porch.

  5. the SPCA or Humane Society does spaying/neutering for a low price.Call the phone number(look in the yellow pages) and tell them the story about this poor cat, just having litters back to back.

    Maybe its best to turn her over to the SPCA?

  6. Well done for caring ;)

    But I think the first thing you should do is call someone for some help - like the RSPCA.  With a bit of luck they will sue the **** off the owners too.  They shouldnt be allowed animals!! 'Left over food'... tut tut...

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