
My neighbor does not have a asphalt driveway, his crushed gravel driveway runs into mine when it rains. HELP??

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He is a horrible neighbor and we have had numerous problems with him before. Is there any way I can get him form destroying my new driveway from his mud caked crushed gravel driveway that runs downhill to ours????




  1. SOL

    move away. to a paved home preferable a nice area. check out the top 10 cities to live in america. im from overland park kansas. no gravel driveways here

  2. I don't know if it is worth having more problems with him or if it is possible to install something that will direct his runoff. You might try looking for some curbing, Belgian block or some other type of curbing like Rail Road ties etc. and let them stay high enough to redirect the run off so it doesn't go on your driveway. On the other hand, legally if you argue with him about this, and do nothing and a given amount of time passes (the time period depends on your state) he could develop a runoff easement on your property because of something called "adverse possession."  Then you could end up in court and not be able to force him to redirect water because he would have a runoff easement on your land crated through adverse possession. So make a swale or on the property line or put up a curbing.

  3. Probably not but you can add a short wall or curb that will channel the water to the street.  The water may be easier to handle than the neighbor.

  4. Put in a drain along the drive way, Dig a 12"h X12"w trench and Line it with the gravel from his driveway all the way to the street, cover it with landscape fabric and a little top soil and sod over the top, It is a very easy fix, but you have to work on winning each other over first, Invite them over for a beer and a brat, send over some left over BBQ chicken, this behavior will do a whole lot more then the courts and has way to many benefits for both of you. Remember the golden rule and actually do it.

  5. If they connect together, who has easement across the others property? If he owns the land your drive crosses there is nothing you can do short of asking his help. If there is yard between the drives add a dirt hump and sod it. This would turn the water back on his drive. If you live below him think about a privacy fence. Build a raised flower bed running the length of your property line. Contact your governing authority!


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