
My neighbor had Multiple Sclerosis and died. My 3 yr old daughter visit her once a month. Will she remember?

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My neighbor had multiple sclerosis and the last 6 years (she recently passed) she was not able to do anything - not even wink eyelids. She lied on the bed day & night with tubes and her husband took care of her. I would bring my 3 1/2 year old daughter over to visit on average once or twice a month.

Since my daughter only saw the lady lying in a bed not ever moving - I question if she ever thought it was a real person.

I just don't know how much I need to explain next time I visit and the deceased is no longer there.

Would a 3 1/2 year old even think this was a real person since the lady never talked, moved etc?




  1. probably more than you !

  2. She won't remember.  IF she does, it won't be hard to explain that the person is no longer here.  You should be just fine.  Take care!

  3. She may have faded memories but it will fade, just comfort her husband and keep the 3 yr old distracted with toys or coloring books.

  4. she probably will remeber because children tend to remember the smallest things in tht stage of life. However it probably will not affect her much because she only saw her not moving or having any interaction

  5. As an adult my earliest memory is about 3 1/2 years old.  So she could remember or she could not. I would ask her. She will be honest and you can go from there on what to do.

  6. She will know it was a person..

    She will know that you cared.

    And eventually she will understand why.

    you did well, Dad.. you have taught her a lesson of life that is not an easy one to learn.    It will just take a while for it to be fully understood.

    Meantime as long as she accepts the change you prob. don't have to do anything else.  (In case you were worried about nighmares or such...)

    (my 2 cents on it).


  7. I have VERY vague memories of my grandpa who died when I was about the same . He was very sick and sat in his chair all the I really didn`t think of him as someone who was actively involved in my life.

    I think she will understand on some level if you explain to her.....but don`t expect too much from her.

    MS is a horrible disease isn`t it! My mother died from it 5 years ago....and in many ways it was a relief. Unfortunately my 3 year old daughter never got to meet my mum....

  8. yes she will remeber i hope she has pleasant dreams

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