
My neighbor has a young white oak tree planted about 2 feet from my driveway.?

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Will this tree damage my driveway as gets older and grow bigger?




  1. in 5 years or more, your drive way is going to crack open from the root coming up because white oaks get huge. The only way to prevent this is to cut the roots coming your way, or tell your neighbor to move the tree.

    If you leave it there , don't worry about having a driveway.

  2. say goodbye to your driveway. Oaks get huge roots that are going to lift your driveway. What was your neighbor thinking when they planted that there. It may be young enough to move further away. check out what a bio-barrier is. It's suppose to keep roots from growing in certain areas.

  3. Probably. I would expect the roots to spread more than two feet. And roots make a tripping hazard. I don't know what you can do about it until it gets big.

  4. If it's any consolation, oaks grow rather slowly.

  5. i would get some copper nails and hammer them into the tree at night time problem solved

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