
My neighbor leaves their dogs p**p on our doorstep numerous times!?

by  |  earlier

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first we started just seeing p**p in front of our door and we noticed it after we stepped in it. our neighbors don't like us because our "leaves" on our tree's went in there yard once. they have a dog and after a few times of finding p**p in our doorstep area we put a hidden camera in the bush! and we found that they really are leaving it there! they let the dog p**p then put it in a baggy then dump it on our doorstop, how can i make this stop!?




  1. Chuck it back over into their yard.  Or, if you know what time of day this is happening, be ready with a garden hose.  You will know what to do.

  2. I would put the p**p in a small box and then mail it to them....enclose a "thinking of you" card...

  3. You caught them on tape? What are you waiting for, call the police and have them take a look at the tape, I'm sure once the officers point out what they saw on the tape the neighbors will stop. However keep hold of the tape, you may need it in the future, people like this likely wont stop there and you may need the tape later to prove continued harassment. Good luck, this wont be easy.

  4. If you've got them recorded on camera, call the police.

  5. Tell the police and get a restraining order. They must not feel that they get away with this without some serious repercussions.

    Pcifica means peace. That answer does not sound peaceful

  6. If you still have the video evidence contact the police & have the cops talk to them.  OR, contact an attorney & sue them for the nusience.

  7. Since you have tangible evidence that they're trespassing etc. speak with a lawyer about it. If necessary, call the police.

  8. Call the police and show them the tape. Why should you have to pick up their dog's sh*t? I'd put the sprinklers on every morning about that time so they don't walk up to it. But the police is a good idea.

  9. Well you could contact the police and give them a copy (make sure its a copy) of your recording. Or you could get a lawyer or you could contact your local news channel and tell then what has been happening sometimes public humiliation is the way to do things, not always the best way but it can be a way.

    Personally I would let the police handle it, if they aren't willing to do anything about it, you could take legal action, and I don't mean seeking money just some kind of legal document that if they do it again or anything to your property or you for that matter they spend time in jail or a heavy fine. My last resort would be to turn it over to the local news channel.  

  10. I had an @$$hole neighbor like that a few years back, whenever he walked his dog and let it c**p on my walk, I picked up the load and put it in his mailbox.

    I'm told neighbors can be vindictive, and so can I.

    ...get some small baggies and a pair of rubber gloves, and get to work!!!

  11. Have you tried talking to them human to human!

    i would give it a shoot and tell them that you don't really like something that they can control to happen like putting c**p on your step!

    when they deni it say well i got you on camera!  and if this doesn't stop i might have to take legal action.. I thought i would be nice and talk to you face to face about it but since you don't want to put forth any effort or even be honest with me i can see that i'm not dealing with anyone who wants to work things out with out involving someone else!  

    i tried I'm sorry!  but i guess this is your last chance before i got get a lawyer. so are you wiling to stop doing this?  

    or leave a note on the door!  with there poo but be nice and put it in a bag!  


    here you left this on my door step.. i know it was you because i have it on tape!  you never know who is watching.. Please tame your self and place the c**p in a trash can instead of my front porch!  

    I'm more and willing to find a compermize  please visit me when your time frame opens up!  

  12. Keep that camera evidence. I would go to the trouble of being available from 6 to 9 and as soon as you see them walking up go out and say in a very pleasant way' Good Morning how are you?' and exchange normal greetings. Dont say a thing about the p**p. Im hoping this will take the edge off since you do not want things to escalate. But if they do, youve got the evidence

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