
My neighbor plans on leaving state, and leaving her boyfriend

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i have a neighbor in a apt. building.- she tells me that in sept. shes leaving from ohio to texas with a friend, shes not telling her current boyfriend of 1 year, and shes turning off all the phone electric etc, she said she going wait for him to go to work, and scrap the fridge and stove, move her things, before he gets home(she will not go pick him up from work like normal)

this is so horrible, and i hate being next door, he will come bother me ,asking where she is..

he once told me "i waited all my life for her"

and everyday she stops me and tells me something she hates about him, then acts normal to hI'm.

im my heart i want to tell him, but i do not want involved. what would you do.she made him move out of his house into hers, and now shes taking everything. the poor man will not even have a stove.

how shouldi feel?




  1. I think you should tell him.  she will be very mad, but oh well.  If that man is good to her; he does not deserve the abuse he is getting from her.  The day she leaves, he will have to walk home, be with out phone, electric, fridge and stove.  This lady must really struggle mentally.  No one deserves this.  If she is unhappy, let her leave.  But don't let him loose it all.  

    If she is living in an apartment and the stove & fridge was all ready there when they moved in, then if he comes home and they are gone, he can report to the apartments what she did.  they will press felony charges on her for theft of their items.

  2. You neighbor is being rude by doing this, but this is one of the things that you put up with when you "shack up " without getting married.  there is NO committment, and "partners" do this all the time.  getting married doesn;t rpevent this, but it would have given him legal grounds to get soem of his stuff back!

    Uhhh . . . you're caught in the middle.  best just to stay out of it. They're gonna do what they're gonna do.  But there is NOTHING you can do to prevent it.  if you tell him she'll just deny it, and make you look like an a$$.

    Probably bet to make sure you're gone that day, when he eventually gets home.

  3. Leave people alone. You don't know whats going on there. She could be getting abused and thats why she's leaving. He could seem nice on the outside.  

  4. Wow, your neighbor is crazy. Why couldn't she have talked to him before she did this?? But from your standpoint, you need to leave things be. You shouldn't get involved and step into this mess.

  5. Ok, so let's say you don't tell him...what happens when he comes to you after this all takes place?? what would you tell him "oh i knew but didnt want to get involved"?? It would take an act of God himself to keep me from hurting you if I were in his shoes...

    I advise you to say something ASAP. It may not be your place to say anything, but I think you should, for his sanity and yours.

    Think about this too, what if her plan works and he is hurt and you NEVER said anything to him. YOU will have to live with the fact that you allowed him to have his heart broken, and could have done something to stop it.

    The choice is yours, but I wouldn't want something like that playing on my concience.

  6. In all honesty, as much as this is normally not your problem I think you should tell him. That way at least he can re-set up the utilities!! Also, if they purchased the fridge/stove together he needs to get his share of the worth. If you advise him a head of time he can legally get what is his and look for a place too!

  7. Stay out of other people's business unless someone is being harmed. She is moving away and doesn't want him to know, that's none of your business. But tell him anyway, and ONLY if he asks you first.

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