
My neighbor walks around naked?

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I noticed my new neighbor likes to walk around the house butt naked. Although it is their home, I don't want the kids seeing this, I don't want to call police, but how would you polietly ask this couple to put some clothes on?




  1. Well from what I understand, if you can see them naked and you are in a public place like the sidewalk or the street then it is against the law.  If you can only see you neighbor thru your window in your home it is not against the law because it is not a public place.  

    It is his house, I think we get told what and when to much in this country as it is.

  2. Get yourself some blinds.  Or set up a tripod with a good lens and take pictures.  Send copies to them and suggest maybe they should close the blinds if they are going to wander about their house in the altogether.

  3. Ah, I had this problem once!

    In my case, I went over and introduced myself, being overly polite, took a cake, etc to welcome them. I invited the couple over for dinner. When they came over, we had a nice dinner, I introduced them to everyone and we got along really well. When the kids were playing, I pulled them to the side and told them how I unsuspectingly noticed their way of life (to make sure they knew I didn't spy). I told them that my boyfriend and I also liked the lifestyle, but only when the kids couldn't see. I voiced my opinion and asked if there was anyway we could mend this.

    To this day, the kids have NEVER seen them naked again, nor have we. Sometimes their blinds are all drawn and I suppose they're doing what's their right to do, but thankfully we reached an agreement! Respect them and their right to do so, but pleasently ask them.

    Good luck!!

  4. I would mention something to him..maybe he doesn't realize that he can be seen or that people are even watching.  Some people can be soo obvious.  Just simply say about your kids and how you don't want them exposed to that stuff yet and if you could please close the curtains.  Just make sure to be nice the last thing you want is to make someone angry.

  5. Tell you kids to not look out the window.

  6. How disgusting. Ask him politely to please close his curtains when he desires to walk around naked because your kids do not want to see his ugly a$$ (only word it more politely). I will never understand people...ei yi yi.

  7. I enjoy doing that from time to time, nothing wrong with it all!

  8. I agree with Rockman. Maybe they don't realize you can see them. Just mention that you noticed them walking around naked and if you noticed other people or their children will too. If they are decent people they will close the curtains or put on a robe.

  9. Don't call the police, they might arrest you for being a "Peeping Tom".

  10. SAme as RockMan

  11. You could write them a letter or bring it up in casual conversation, but really it is their choice what they do in the privacy of their own home. Tell your kids not to look. It isn't illegal to be naked in your own home.

  12. Just talk to them!  Say I noticed you don't use blinds and your skyclade all day long!  I have a slight problem with my child seeing Naked humans!  What can we do to fix this!

    I will do what i can to keep them away from the window!  is it possible you can use blinds or something!

    i'm sorry if i offended you but my kids are nosey and i would like to express how i feel befor it becomes a problem!

    I'm open to other sugguestions!

  13. in oregon you can sit on your front porch naked and still not get arrested just as long as your touching your house your fine so you cant call the cops sorry

  14. I'd like to see a picture of how you are able to look at their house and see everything.  If that is the case, they may very well be exhibitionists.  

    I would:

    1.  Knock on their door and very nicely tell them what you and others can see.

    2.  Write a very nice note and say the same thing.

  15. its not right, esp if you have kids, thats kind of perveted!

    thye KNOW they can be seen. so all you can do is shoot 'em, haha!

    you know like ducks at a shooting gallery, just pluck them off with a bb-gun, once they get those little balls stuck in their discusting flesh, they may close the blinds!

  16. I don't think you can. You can ask them to put curtains on their end and maybe if you explain the kids thing. They'll understand. Act as if it doesn't bother you but you are asking for the kids.

  17. I would suggest that you close your blinds and don't look across into their windows. They're wlaking around naked, but you're being a "peeper."

    It's OK to be naked in your own home, but its not OK to be caught being a "peeper." That is a crime, and you could be charged for that.

    Take care of your own house and don't worry about theirs.

  18. Legally they can walk around naked in their home.

    I don't think it would be considered indescent exposure.

    I wouldn't confront them... if you really are uncomfortable with it just call your local police station and ask them about it... get more information about what you can do.

    Don't actually call the cops on them... just get information from them... if it is indescent exposure then you're more than welcome to call the police.

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