
My neighbors 6 year old son is autistic. He has a habit of throwing rocks and sticks into ?

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my yard which hits our cars sometimes. They put him in time out when he does it, but he does it a lot and my husband and I are looking for ideas to get him to stop doing this before damage is done to our cars. Their drive way has lots of rocks in it...about the size of the palm of your hand, so they are kind of big and can do damage. Anyone that has an autistic child with some ideas of getting him to stop doing this would be great. Thanks!




  1. There is nothing you can do about this child's behavior, and not much more the parents can do.  The only solution I can think of is to put up a fence.

  2. My profession is working with autistic children, and that type of behavior  has nothing to do with his autism.  He needs to be supervised more closely by his parent, and, as the other person said, they should have to pay for any damage done.  The parents should be monitoring him - sounds like a behavior problem.    

  3. Build a garage.

  4. Just because he is autistic does not mean that he should not be punished. They need to discipline him, and tell him that he cannot do that. Why are they not outside with him? He's only 6!

  5. Buy a extra large plastic trash can.  They are cheap at home depot.  Get spray paint and paint it some wild color like red or a mix of colors.  Tell him to put the rocks in there.

  6. I agree, as an adult he will be held responsible for his actions so his parents should watch him.

  7. Why isn't he being supervised?  Speak to the parents again, and tell them if they can't get him under control, autistic or not, that they'll have to pay for any damage done.

    He should be playing in the back yard or at least being watched so he isn't doing this.

  8. When he is outside he should be supervised close enough so that when he starts to do this, someone is there to stop him.  It is hard to always watch a kid this closely, but he doesn't have to always be outside now does he?  Speak to the parents about the damage being done.  They should be held responsible.  An occasional accident is understandable, but it shouldn't be a regular occurance.

  9. You tell him  IN FRONT of his parents"if you throw sticks or rocks into our yard again, we are going to take a belt and wear your @ out boy and your parents won't be able to stop us!"

    Then tell his parents"you need to spank his @ hard enough to draw tears,THAT will get his attention and it will be a lesson he will learn and understand:

    pain follows bad behavior, even AUTISTIC kids can understand that".

    It will start world war 3 but,I guarantee a few swats on his backside and he will respect YOU more than his lilly livered limp wristed tree hugging parents.

  10. That is a problem.  The child can't help it, but his parents should definitely see that he doesn't do damage to a neighbor's property.  Even an autistic child can be taught to have respect and not destroy things that don't belong to him.  You are probably a good neighbor and don't want to make trouble, but I think you should speak to the parents about controlling the child.  In another circumstance, they could be sued for property damage inflicted by this little boy.  They should also get him some help.  I'm sure there are some behavioral counseling agencies for helping autistic children.  

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