
My neighbors daughter sits in one spot and rocks back and forth for long periods of time, is this normal?

by  |  earlier

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before going to bed she gets on her knees and elboows and just rock away.She will sit in one place for at least an hour and rock back and forth. she is now 18 months old, has very clear understanding but does not speak clearly. I am very concerned and advised her mom to get it checked.Her mom insists that that is the way she comforts herself.




  1. How is this your business?

    Of course she doesn't speak clearly -- she's 18 months old! If she even says a few words, she's on schedule. If she understands everything, then she's probably fine.

    It could be normal. It could be a sign of autism. You aired your worries to the mother --  I think you should just leave it alone and let the mother and the child's pediatrician worry about it.

  2. she could be autistic but mother could do with mentioning it to a health worker

  3. If this is the only concern then I would not be worried.  Especially if the child was rocked frequently when she was a little baby.  This might just be a way of dealing with stress.  Sometimes this behavior is one of many signs for other problem, but there would need to other be warning signs as well.

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