
My neighbors dog bit my child on the stomach?

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I finally let the reigns down alittle this summer and let my daughter to to a freind/neighbors house. While she was there their dog bit her in the stomach. It has very small pucture wounds but bruising in a large circle around her belly button. The neighbor said the dog is all up to date on his shots. Should I bring her to the doctor?




  1. Not unless the child is complaining of pain or it looks like it might be infected.  

  2. Always have ANY animal bite checked out by your physician. Chance for infection is very high regardless of whether animal is up to date on shots or not.  As well, law requires ALL animal bites to be reported to authorities. If the dog is a danger to children, which obviously it is, I wouldn't want anybody elses child to get bitten, so pls report it.

  3. I would take the child to the doctor and get a copy of the rabies certificate from the owner.  I would also find out what happened too.  What caused the bite - if someone was tugging on a tail and hurting the dog or teasing or was it a territorial thing - why did this happen?...find out.  If you are friends with this neighbor and the doctor checks out your child and she is fine then I would not start go to lawyers or police.  This can be very tramatic for the owner as well so think hard before you do this and find out what happened first.  Be polite and kind - I'm sure your neighbor feels horrible and is concerned.  

  4. No, She`s probably fine. Sue the Owners!

  5. yes, you MUST take her to the doctor and Please file a police report.

    Dog bites can get very badly infected. I just came back from 6 wks of medical leave after getting a bad infection from a dog bite that I had to have DAILY I.V. antibiodics.. for 6 whole weeks.

    Please file a police report about the bite. It doesn't matter that the dog is "up to date" on shots according to an owner.  If this dog has bitten before, or will bite again, you need to put in a paper trail

  6. was your daughter teasing the dog? no offense but i have witnessed my neighbors kids teasing my dog and i wouldn't blame the dog for setting boundaries, that said if the dog is up to date on shots and there is no lasting redness or swelling your girl should be fine...

    for your daughters safety and the dogs you might want to monitor the next visit (if you plan to let a visit happen)

  7. YEAH I WOULD.. YOUR CRAZY IF YOU DONT.. i have kids and a dog.. no matter if the dog is up to date with its shots you should still take your kid to the doctor just to be on the safe side..

  8. If the dog was a puppy and he was playing that is one thing. If the dog is an adult and knows better not to attack or bite small children you could have a lawsuit pending. Often times if an adult dog attacks a child, the dog is forced to be put down. I live in NY so it may be different where you are.

  9. Go to the doctor  or emergency,

    Your neighbour could be wrong or lying.

    Don't put your daughter's health at risk.


  10. first of all what kind of dog not that it matters but my daughter was bit by the nabiors dog on the fingers and yes take her to the doctor well any way a week later that same dog tore this boys are to bits it looked like a shark bite but this was a rotti and was put down the people with the boy sued and won there case this happened on a army base my daughters wasnt bad they said for me to sue but i would check my self to see if thwe dog is up to date on shots......... get her to the doctor now before it gets infected

  11. Wow I now know where all those sue happy people congregate.  That is insane!  My initial reaction is that the dog should be put down. For no reason what so ever should a dog ever bite a child.  Make sure that a report gets filed so that the proper athoritys know about the dog.  But suing a person.  I could understand if it has been a continuous problem, but may owners have no control over what there dog does.  Accidents happen and it is a sorry horrible world where people look for every reason they can to sue someone.  

    If you feel that the bite is bad enough get medical attention.  I know as a mom if your gut instinct is to get it looked at then do.  You should even feel entitled to asking them to pay for it, but I think suing them is a little far fetched.  Think of all of the fun time you could spend with your little angel instead of in a court room suing someone.

  12. I would make sure the dog is euthinized if that was my daughter! And yes bring her to a doctor

  13. SCORE!!!

    A dog bitten child is the holy grail of personal injury lawsuits.

    Yes, go to a doctor.  Take lots of pictures.  Then get your baby's bruised and bitten tummy to a lawyer!

    What are you waiting for?!?!


    Can you say, "big money from homeowner's insurance"?

    Big $$$$


  14. YES bring her to the Dr! My son has been bit by dogs, and the first one I wish I would have brought him to the Dr sooner! He needed a $100 Rx. ALSO-- if the Dr doesn't call and file a report, you must do it. You can just tell your neighbor that the Dr did it, so there's no hard feelings. I love my son, and my neighbors, but ALL animal bites MUST be reported!

  15. Yes. You should just take her to make sure that its not infected or anything.

  16. no, if the dog it up to date on his shots then you have nothing to worry about

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