
My neighbors don't want any assistance....I NEED MONEY HELP SOS SAVE ME?

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i have picky nieghbors that dont want any assistance with work. Im 13 and my phone broke my mom can't pay for it and the phones $270.00. Its an LG 260 Rumor is what I want. i need to make money to buy one from sprint help me. If you know anywebsites that give them really cheap. Help Me.{NO USED ONES PLEASE}




  1. Maybe you should consider a cheaper phone.

  2. A website I use is CashCrate, and it's free and pretty easy. It's safe, and they don't let any personal info out. You have to be at least 13 years to join.

    If you have any questions, go here:

    Make sure you get consent from your parents first if you're under 18 years.

  3. you didn't have insurance on it?

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