
My neighbors have many cars and they always seem to park in front of my house which leaves me parking far away

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My neighbors have ppl coming and going all of the time. They always take up parking spots across the street and along my side of the street. I never have any parking. Sometimes, I will have to walk a block away ( I have 2 children under 4 years of age). I had asked them politely to leave me one spot. They did for awhile, and on top of it all, they have a parking lot for their house that they do not use! Help, what should I do?




  1. Just contact you local city manager and if requested send he or she pictures to prove what you are saying and they will enforce the parking rules if any for you.

  2. id go park in their driveway but thats me im dumb, well not much you can do since its a public street ask them again to leave you a space in front of your house. thats so rude you have kids least they can do is show you some respect! i can steal their cars for you if you want?

  3. if it is a public street there is not a lot you can do about it.

  4. park in their parking lot to get your point across

  5. Talk to them about it. If they persist get them towed.

  6. Write a letter (with photos) explaining your situation to the City Council.  Ask to be put on their next available agenda to be heard on this issue.  When you address the situation before the council you might ask if individual signs could be posted reserving a parking spot for specific addresses.

    Dr. Tommy Skelton

  7. Park in their driveway to tick them off.

  8. If they have a parking lot that they don't use, and its closer to your house than parking a block away, simply park there.

    That should bring the point across. If they say anything, just tell them that since they prefer to park in your spot, that you will do the same, and all will be happy.

    If they left you a spot before, this should get the point across.

    Either that, or park your car someplace by your house in a way that whoever is parked in your spot can't get out without you moving your car. You can park so close to someone that they can't move, or something like that. If they realize that whenever they park in front of your house its going to be a pain to get out, they will quit it.

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