
My neighbors house has an american toad should I get it and if yes is it poisonous or something?

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I can't decide if I get it because I live in the desert in las vegas so he might die.




  1. Oh boy! An american toad? AWESOME!

    one of these guys right? ^^

    I have kept so many of these as pets! I LOVE THEM! As long as you keep him inside and out of the sun, as long as he has water available (not so that he is drowning in it, just enough for when he needs it, its there) he should be fine :)

    also, yes, american toads do secrete a poison. right out of the little pads in back of their eyes/ears. Don't worry, as long as you wash your hands after playing with the little guy you will be fine. The poison really only affects other animals such as cats or dogs that try to eat the toad.

    Oh! one other thing... If you try to keep 2 of them, keep them separate. I kept more than one american toad together in the same tank and they poisoned each other :(

  2. i assume your talking about a wild toad so no its cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is also called into question since u dont really know how to keep this animal. also the numbers of frogs are in decline and if u remove on from the wild its one less frog that will breed

    to answer your question no its not poisionous its mildly toxic but this mainly makes it taste bad so dont put it in your mouth. if u are worried about it drying up take it somewhere more suitable and release it

    if you want a frog/toad there a plenty of captive bred ones available from reputable pet store i would do the research into keeping frogs then decide if u want one then get a captive bred but do the research first.

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