
My neighbors keep burning garbage to get rid of them. How do I stop this?

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actually, all neighborhoods around my country is always burning garbage to get rid of them! How do i put a stop to this? I know FOR SURE the government wont do anything about it.

Its not only bad for the environment...but its bad for our health...I'm actually smelling burning garbage right now...pls help?




  1. Actually, my neighbor does that 3 days a week, and it is allowed because we live in an unicorporated neighborhood where there really are not any "laws" or authorities to deal with.  That could be your problem, too.

  2. In some countries, some providers are doing "Rewards for recycle", please check this('RECYCLEBANK rewards you for recycling...') in http://savetheglobefromwarming.blogspot.... . Ask them to look on these kinds providers in your counry.

  3. wow what country are you in??

    You could get people around and make up events to show people around your community that burning garbage is bad for you and their health and also damaging to the earth.

  4. seek help from cops

  5. Go over there and dump water on it. That should put out the fire.

  6. If you live in the US it's illegal for people to burn garbage.  You can call your local police or fire department.

  7. ask your neighbours to collct aal the garbage and dump it together in one place away from city this would help i am sure

  8. Uhm the government should do something about it. There are standards for air pollution. Try contacting your states Air Quality Bureau unless you have already done so, but reading up about it... virtually every state is listed to have these standards.


  10. if you think it is a fire hazard, file a complaint.  If it isn't, you could complain about the smell to the police and they may (doubtful) make the cease burning rubbish.  Best bet is to notify the EPA.  If they are burning trash and the EPA can determine if they are burning things best not burned.  Plastics and the like are most likely enough to shut them down, especially if this is an ongoing endeavor.

    I would recommend asking them to burn in another spot on their property if all else fails.  Providing of course that is a viable solution, if they dont have much space, then they cant go far.

    You could also recommend that they take it to the dump.

  11. If you live in an area that doesn't have laws against burning trash, get involved in your local government and try to get them to pass laws. That, or move somewhere else.

  12. Well the same thing happens in my home town too, everyone burns their garbage. I suppose you could call the DNR, but the nearest DNR agent in your town will probably be too busy burning his trash to come help you.

  13. I think you can complain this to the city/town hall and make a video to show them the fact. This is good way to stop your neighbors doing this by law.

  14. set a fire on your  lawn when there washing is on the line and it  will stink of smoke even though it is illegal to make a fire before 6

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