
My neighbors kitten is stuck in a tree ?

by  |  earlier

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The tree branch that the kitten is on is at least 30 feet high and the fire department said that they cant do anything about it, they said that the cat has to be higher then that. I tried cat food and tried using my dog to get him down. The kitten and my dog are like buddies so I thought it would work but it didn't he just stayed there, he's been there since 10:30 at night but none of knew really we just heard him meowing thinking that it was coming from the house...the neighborer wasn't home so when he came home I told him and he tried to get whiskers down and we don't know what else to do, he wont come down on his own and hes like almost a year old.... I'm scared for him because hes like my cat as well because I take care of him sometimes and play with him give him attention, so please help me out...




  1. Dad always said, you got up there, you can get down.  Or you could climb up and cut the branch off.

  2. He can come down without help. He is just frightened now. I have used  a water hose and squirted the branch to make the cat go back to the tree trunk, and this also persuaded it to come down.

  3. call an arborist.  they specialize in climbing trees.  you will want someone safe climbing that high.

  4. Have you ever seen a cat skeleton in a tree? Don't worry, it'll come down.

  5. call the fire department...animal rescuers i dont know get help

  6. Humane Society will get her down- do you have one in the area?  ASPCA?  The next thing is to barrow a ladder but be warned- cats are all claws when they are scared- you would do well to have gloves and a bag to put her in for her trip down the ladder- good luck

  7. Call the fire department again and keep ringing until they will send someone, also say to them the tree is higher that it really is make it 20 feet higher to them on the phone. Or see if anyone on your road has got a big ladder and send them up the tree and give a small amount of money for it.

  8. I used to always freak out when my cats got stuck in trees :-)  In my experience, even if you do get to him he'll just get scared and climb higher.

    My mom used to always ask me "when was the last time you saw a cat skeleton in a tree?"  In my experience, he'll find a way down when he gets hungry/thirsty.  Cats have been climbing trees for thousands of years... instinct will take over!

  9. does anyone in the neighborhood have a ladder? you could try climbing a tall ladder to get up to where the cat is and bring it down.

  10. this is how i got my kitten down:

    i tied a rope to my stomach and connected it around the tree.

    i climbed up with sneakers and got her hope this helps:)

    if not good luck!! i know she will be fine

  11. WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO GET YOUR DOG to help... the cat is stressed... someone will have to go climb the tree.

    Try squirting water so it will move toward the trunk of the tree.

    Cats claws are only one way so they can climb up but not down.

    You can call some tree trimmers and see if they will come out and help!

  12. Get a lader and do it your self

  13. OMG call 911

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