
My neighbors let a group of rabbits run free?

by  |  earlier

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I live in an apartment complex. It is pretty small with only about 4-6 apartments per building with plenty of lawns, playgrounds, etc. We are allowed to have pets but, we have to write for special permission if we want to own a dog.

About 3 of my neighbors own rabbits. I don't know if they think this is cute or something but, they let the bunnies run completely free all day and night. I think there are about 5 or 6 rabbits running free.

Now I love bunnies as much as the next person but, they are a nuisance to dog owners everywhere. Whenever I take my dog out for a walk I have to pay special attention to her not running off and killing a rabbit.

Also, the bunnies hop around the parking spaces. Many times my husband has come home to a few of them huddling in his space and he has to honk the horn or get out of his car to chase them off. He has to check every time we pull out of the space for bunnies hiding under the car (they use the cars as protection from the sun).

I've also seen hawks circling the sky above my apartment building, just waiting for their next meal.

I don't see any of my neighbors providing their "pets" with food, water, or shelter. They are outside 24/7. I'm afraid for these bunnies. I think they will either get attacked by a dog, swooped down on by a hawk, die of heat exhaustion, dehydration, eat a poisonous plant, or even freeze to death (if they don't bring them in by the summer's end). I'm surprised nothing has happened to them yet. They have been running free for about 3 months now.

What should be my course of action? I don't think talking to the neighbors are going to help one bit. Should I inform my apartment company? Call the humane society? Catch the rabbits myself and bring them to the shelter? Do nothing and let nature take it's course?

Thanks for any advice you can offer me!




  1. I would catch them and take them to a no kill shelter. And also inform the apartment complex. This is just wrong not cute. Poor bunnies

    Take them to the NO KILL shelter yourself do not let the apartments complex handle it like the person below me said. They made end up being euthanized and you wouldn't want to take that chance. Humane society is a kill shelter and that is where they will end up if you let the apartments handle it

    When the animals have been out of someones possession for more than 90 days it becomes whoever Else's possession who has it. Since the outdoors has the Bunny's they are free game for anyone to do with whatever they want. Besides its summer for gods sake what stupid person would let their bunny stay out and roam wild in the summer when they can dehydrate and die. Irresponsible

  2. Phone your apartment company, or landlord if you're renting.

    They can deal with the humane society and shelter- YOU shouldn't have to take on that responsibility, it's not your problem or fault.

    Also, the person in charge may hire a company to catch the rabbits- if they're as feral as you describe, they'll be hard to catch and may also be aggressive. On top of that, if you take the rabbits, YOU can get into trouble for stealing property (yes, animals aren't property, but that's how the law covers it) and you can get arrested and the rabbits returned- you need to take a legal course of action by informing the apartment owner and various societies so they can talk to the owners involved and get their permission to take the rabbits, or can forcible, but legally take them.

    Please don't take your own action or you're asking for trouble.

  3. You cannot just catch them and take them to a shelter. Even if they are running around unleashed, you know who they belong to. Taking them would be theft.

    Are you sure they belong to your neighbors? If they are not providing food, water or shelter they may have just dumped them outside. I would first talk with them to see what is going on.

    Next, call animal control. If they are domestic rabbits and they being neglected this needs to be taken care of ASAP. I am surprised they have survived 3 months outdoors without care. Domestic rabbits are not equipped to survive in the wild just as wild rabbits cannot be tamed fully.

  4. Though you don't feel talking to your neighbors would do any good.  That's actually the FIRST thing you should do.  Why?  Because then you have the right to say that you talked to them and they did nothing.  Second - you should not try to catch the rabbits on your own.  That would be time consuming and could make trouble between you and your neighbors.  The  next thing you should do is write a letter to your Apartment Manager to get the problem resolved.  Seeing as the Rabbits cause a major health and safety issue.  From hawks being around (may kill a pet dog), being in your parking space and I'm sure they leave fecal matter everywhere.  If they do nothing then you should do two (2) things. 1. Notify the nearest Humane Society of the situation and if you wanted to take it further report the Apartment Complex to the fair housing association.  That may make them take action FASTER.

    Good luck.  Hope this helps.

  5. >:|

    How irrispossible!

    I would get hold of those owners and have a chat with them.

    If they will not look after the rabbits probably, threaten to call the RSPCA or the nearby shelter to have them come either to charge them or to take the rabbits away. >:(

    You can take the rabbits if you want, but you must look after them properly and stop them from overbreeding and taking over the world! (joking ^^;;)

  6. Call the humane society. They will take care of them much better than their 'owners'.

    They could have mites from being out and I'm sure that they will be killed by the hawks near your apartment.

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