
My neighbour has put a camera up above her front door but has it facin my front door is this illgal?

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My neighbour has put a camera up above her front door but has it facin my front door is this illgal?




  1. it is a security cam.   she has rights to it, and it not illegal

  2. no it is not illegal i have had mine for 12 years

    my cameras point into my front and back yards and the one at the front door points toward my letter box and is facing my neighbours front door across the road

    i also have 5 sets of security lights movement activated since they are in plain sight and signs up my home has not been vandalised and no one has complained.

  3. yes it is invasion of privacy have you asked her to take it down?if she refuses the police can make her

  4. Yes well i wonder this too. I actually would really

    like to get a camera and make sure i get the

    people across the road from me.

    Their constant harrasment of the entire culdasac

    is beyond compare! And this would give me lots

    of evidence for other neighbours to come on board.

    We have cars (high powered ) sitting on the verge

    on regular basis running its engines, chilren that

    run amok and throw rocks at each other and other

    peoples animals whom are behind gates in their

    own back yards ( so they are actualy throwing these

    rocks from the road way, where they have no right to

    do so ) trampling all over peoples yards! Purposley

    kicking football into peoples Cars and gates !

    Insighting dogs to bark. Also we have parked cars

    tooting non stop for at least ten minutes whenever.

    Having strange friends with trucks come and park

    illigally and Rev the truck up  at  anytime between

    4:30 - and  7 am  before leaving ....which sounds like

    a Plane leaving  the front Porch........and much much more!

    Oh .....not to mention the odd LOtteries West Bus, kindly

    i'm sure donated by the well intentioned Tax Payer , whom

    has no idea what its been used for.  Being parked again

    illigally.....with children running in and out of it treating it like

    a cheap toy and also sitting in it to Gawk at and into my

    house.....So that affectively we have no privacy in our own

    home ! ( By children, i mean also young teenagers , someti-

    mes adutls too.)  So do you think i should get a camera ?!

  5. No it is not illegal at all... some state have laws requiring a sign if audio is used that says"audio and video is protecting these premises..upon entry you consent to be taped and video' or something in the effect or simple 'audio and video surveilence i9n use'...The video part is not illegal at all..and as stated audio in some states are illegal unless it is on your property and the proper signs are displayed..

  6. Depends on where you live.  You need ot check with your local city attorney.  We had a big case here because one neighbor was pointing cameras directly at the next door neighbor's property.

    It was found that they did not have the right to do that and only could have the camera pointed at their property.  They had to move the camera.

  7. mmmm,interesting

    I seem to remember Google having this problem of people complaining about Google maps showing houses/intersections when you plug in an addy.

    I would believe that a camra doing survelance on a neihbor would be pushing the limits.If the camra was recording the entry and your catching an overview then you may be wrong in your thoughts.

    It may be worth a call to authorities just to see what the perimiters are.

    Good Luck

  8. there is no law against it, unless you suspect she is spying on you. Being a "peeping-tom" is again the law in some places!

    Check your area court house or an officer in the area.

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