
My neighbour parks large camper van in their garden.?

by  |  earlier

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i am sure this is not allowed in the house deeds. is this allowed and if not who can i complain to annonymously to have it removed as its very large and unsightly.




  1. they park it in your garden?  d**n cheek!  Oh hang on, in their garden?  That's their business then.

  2. Check with the Citizen's Advice Bureau.They will be able to

    tell you what your options are.

  3. if its on their property they can park it on the roof if they wanted to. its legal DONT BE A SNOB

  4. There are 10's of thousands of motor caravaners who do exactly that. Guess they just have better neighbours, What?Signed anonymous

  5. if its not a commercial vehicle or if they are not living in it I don't think you'll get anywhere by complaining, sorry

  6. Depending on how your neighborhood is constructed, there are a number of things you can do/resources to look into.  If you are part of something like a condo association or gated community (or the like), there is a board that you would submit complaints to.  Otherwise, if you live in just a regular place, contact your local municipal government.  Depending on the size of your town, it could be that you would talk to the community developer or some type of urban beautification etc. person.  Either way, the title is irrelevant.  The point is that all places have some kind of enforcement against this type of thing.  As far as I know, you will remain anonymous (I know when I complained a year ago about the neighbor's collection of old cars, he didn't have a clue!)  The only way your neighbor will know is if you have talked to them before and they put two and two together.  However, given that the camper is in their garden... I doubt that will happen.  ;-)

    Good luck and hope that works out quickly for you!

  7. leave them alone!  they will guess it was someone who lives near them and then you will be in trouble cos it will cause more trouble then its worth.

  8. Why does it bother u lmao

  9. Tough. Avert your gaze when coming and going.

  10. Ring your local council, they should be able to help you

  11. You have a case if you can prove that someone is living in it. Failing that just get used to it.

  12. There is a clause on our drive over caravans and commercial vans etc yes...

  13. So its their garden,   Presume they can do what they like,  You are being a snob arent you,,,  Unsightly indeed ...A Mrs Bucket like,

  14. Have you got nothing else to worry about ? Make your point to your offenders and you might get somewhere. Be your own master and stop wasting your time on the Internet asking stangers  stupid  questions. Sorry to be blunt , but the truth hurts at times! . Just read your additional details, what where you expecting , a comfortable  cuddle. Let you get on. Self empowerment  is the key Take care.

  15. that's illegal

    depending on its height and width

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