
My nephew got a minor dwi in AZ. got his license suspended.

by  |  earlier

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It is an Illinois license. He is going to move back to Illinois and says he will be able to drive there because they don't have a minor dwi law there. he only blew a .03 but Az if you are under 21, any alchol in your system when your under 21 in a dwi.




  1. He won't be able to drive in Illinois either until the suspension is lifted even if Illinois doesn't have a zero tolerance law. Getting your license suspended means just that and the courts ruling will be honored by other states too.

    Think about this. Say your nephew moves back to Illinois and his license becomes valid again. What if he gets into another DUI related incident and someones hurt? You can bet your last dollar the injured parties will sue the state for reinstating his license before the term of suspension is up.

  2. Thanks for the update.  

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