
My nephew is 5 years old he is going to a new school tomorrow how will this effect him?

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Do children sometimes take a change better than grown ups. He really loved the school that he was at but had to leave. Will this affect his grades? He's really smart and outgoing, I feel so bad for him. He keeps saying that he will miss his friends.




  1. Depends on his personality. Children adapt surprisingly well to change. He might have a hard time at first, but I'm sure that after he starts making new friends and picks up their routine he'll have just as much fun!

  2. It depends on the child.  Like adults children don't like big changes.

    You can help prepare him to face the new school by talking about it & giving him positive expectations about he new resouces at the school & the new friends he'll make.

    Being smart & outgoing is a big bonus - will make it much easier for him.

    Also you'll find that the children at the school will be curious to get to know the new boy - so he'll get plenty of attention.  

    Also a good teacher will help ease him in too.

  3. this is probably something you already know, but, just like with adults, each child is effected by CHANGE...started a new school is a big change, and each child and each human being reacts to change differently, so you just have to be positve and supportive and wait and see how this big change effects the little guy...good luck to him!

  4. He will probably be a bit shy but I am betting things will be fine by Christmas. Don't worry about grades in Kindergarten.

  5. affect his grades??

    PUL-LEASE!! im 15 and i have to worry about my grades. just let him have fun in skool. fun is what it's about right now. its about social skills.

    if you dont learn from an early age you wont ever learn. dont worry about the friends part cuz i dont even remember who was in my class 10 years ago and the people i was friends with back then arent friends with me now so it's no big deal. just take it easy.

  6. he will lose alot of his friends but hey just thank he will make new friends.which will be good cause he can be put in to the real tell him that everythings going to be fine cause you will make new friends.I hope everthing gos ok!dont worry about his grades they will be fine.cause he will new stuff at the new school.

  7. We told our grandson that he will keep his old friends and make some new ones. Does he know the little song Make New Friends Keep the Old? That song helped my grandson. We also told him when he gets in the bigger grades,he will the more friends than anyone,because he met more kids when he was little. He was a little leary the first day. But, after that he was fine. He is still going great, seems to be the smartest in his class and helps the teacher with the other children when they are playing. I think your nephew will do fine, don't talk too much about it to him.

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