
My nephew thinks he's a monkey...what can I tell his parents?

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My nephew thinks he's a monkey...what can I tell his parents?




  1. unless its a huge problem he should grow out of it.

  2. tell his parents to raise him right

  3. I have a 4 year old, and trust me, 4 year olds have imaginations! my son had an imaginary dog he called his Sparkle Puppy. We had to feed it, sleep with it, and be careful not to sit on it. S.p. even bit him one and he threw him outside and got a new one. My son also is someone different every day! He is a rockstar, a kitty, a dinosaur. It's likely that the parents know about this already, but if you feel like you should, do talk to them. But just so you know, kids are capable of a lot, and imagine a lot!

  4. Pretend your another animal and have fun with it!  My child changes his name and acts appropriately all the time - right now he is Darth Vader - although he pronounces it Barth Dader...and he swings his light saver around and saves the world!

  5. Its called lets pretend, get a grip! play along, you see its fun!  

    Mom of three.

  6. It's more than likely a phase that's he's going through. Why should you worry about telling his parents, I'm sure they'll notice, and they'll probably say the same thing too.

  7. Is there a problem with a child playing pretend.

  8. put him in a cage

  9. Nothing... well would you want to upset a gorilla?

  10. My three year old is a dinosaur right now. It's normal.

    Just say, "It is so funny when he acts like a monkey! I wonder when he will be a little boy again!"

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