
My nephew thought one of those energy saving lightbulbs was vanilla ice cream and licked the bulb! what to do?

by  |  earlier

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His tongue is black, flaky, and crisper than a burnt potato chip. He's crying and is speaking now with a lisp. Why do they make those things in the shape of vanilla ice cream swirls? I couldn't believe it so i tried it too, and it burned my tongue so bad i can't feel my chin. Somebody's gonna pay for this! There's no warnings on the bulb box that tell me its not a vanilla swirl. I don't think i can whistle or blow bubbles!




  1. if that really happened you wouldn't be here on yahoo answers psyching everyone out you'd be in an ER room with your nephew in Intensive care and you possibly going to jail for negligence...

    Some times there's not enough room on a product package for all the stupid things people do with stuff.

    Basically there should be one rule :Don't do anything stupid or anythingnot intended for this product!

    And you wonder why court costs, taxes and gasoline prices are high...  

  2. I like ice cream too but not that much

  3. emergency room!!!!! duh

  4. Have either of you been tested?  Eye exam and/or IQ?  

  5. wow. um no offense but like icecream swirls are connected and you cant see through them, isnt that a little but self evident? I guess the moral of the story is read the instructions before you eat, i mean l**k lol.

  6. I know who should pay for this.  How about Al Gore?

  7. Did you ever see an ice cream cone giving off light?

    Now let me be sure we understand that a curly bulb does not get hot enough to burn your tongue, so are you saying some chemical reaction occurred?  I have difficulty imagining that.

    I can imagine you could complete an electrical circuit, but you do not mention having had an electrical shock.

    So I am going to have to do the experiment too, to convince myself whether the black tongue comes from accumulated dust.  

  8. You and your Nephew are IDIOTS.  

  9. CFL's don't heat up like an incandescent bulb, so I don't see how you burned your tongue. I would suggest an IQ test.

  10. er or poision control

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