
My nephew who smokes a pack of cigrettes each day feels very depressed & he desperately wants to quit now. He

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He feels its harming him,but when he tries to stop he feels angry ,fights with every one & gets upset.To avoid such situation he smokes & becomes normal.He is almost a slave of this habit.Pls let us know how can we help him to overcome this addiction.He is requesting all of us to help him.




  1. I believe medical attention is necessary. (With the severity of his reactions).

    Please talk to a doctor about it, he probably needs a prescription.  

  2. The best and easy way to quit smoking is to slowly reduce the daily consumption of cigarettes. There are two ways to do it

    1. Smoke one cigarette less each week. Try not to smoke just after having a meal because that is the time when the urge is the greatest.

    Slowly, over the weeks, the count of daily cigarettes will be reduced and finally it will be one cigarette per day.

    Then he can smoke that one cigarette on alternate days and finally quit altogether.

    2. The second way and a very good one is to keep a small scissor in the pocket and snip off half a centimeter of the head of each cigarette before smoking it while keeping the total smoked cigarette count in a day the same.

    This way the number of cigarettes will remain the same but the amount of nicotine inhaled will be lesser.

    After on week, start snipping off one centimeter of the head of the cigarettes. Then, next week, add another half a centimeter and so on.

    The trick is to slowly reduce the quantity of nicotine going into the body and thus not to suffer the withdrawl effects which are experienced by quitting all of a sudden.  

  3. Chantix!  Have him talk to his doctor.  It's prescription and it works wonders!

  4. There is more to the issue than what he is telling/saying. He needs to see a doctor. A pack of cigarettes a day usually does not cause what he is going thru. The reason I say that is I smoked and I quit cold turkey. Perhaps the young man has been smoking weed (I am 59 so not sure what that call that stuff) .It is hard to break the smoking habit. Cold turkey is the only way to do it. Using other replacements is still keeping the nicotine in your body. The first week is the hardest and then it gets better each week. But, seriously from the sound of what you have written I feel that there is more involved than a plain cigarette. Seek professional help for the young man and Good Luck to all of you.

  5. Those are normal symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Tell him that they will wear off with time. They're worst at about 2-5 days and gradually get better.

    Also, ask your doctor about Wellbutrin -- it's an anti-depressant *and* a stop smoking medicine.

  6. I found this book "quit Smoking Easily" very helpful in getting my dad to stop smoking after 30 years.  The tips are good and it explains everything very well regarding how to stop smoking. The techniques allow you to quit smoking without willpower.

  7. from what i read, it is quiet impossible to quit smoking drastically...but he may try to quit slowly...ask him to reduce the amount of cigarette he take each day...from one pack to only one piece per day...everytime he feels like smoking, let him eat or chew something like fruits or help to attract his attention from thinking about smoking...ask him to do a lot of exercise, walking n drink plenty of plain may help to control his hormones n thus his times like this, of coz, he needs full support from family members n friends...good luck :)

  8. It's a problem that a doctor would have to treat - he is addicted to nicotine.

  9. try cigarest its a cigarette type that you smoke but its not really a cigarette, you smoke it and it helps you stop smoking.  

  10. Chantix is the latest thing. Need a prescription from your doctor.  Beware of side effects.  Nicotine gum, Commit Lozenges.

    There is also Welbutrin (not sure if spelled correctly), this is also used for other medical problems.  Best bet is to ask doctor which would be best for your nephew as he would be best to judge knowing physical history.

    Keep lots of hard candy around to put in your mouth when you want a cigarette, my husband chewed on the end of a toothpick while he was trying to quit.


  11. i was a heavy smoker too the only way 1 could stop this habbit is by his own determination nothing else can help. he has to decide not to have it and implement on it by diverting his mind when he feels like smoking and not thinking of cigrettes.

    he has to stop it at once and not say i am reducing b'coz that is all useless.

    there are no such kind of side effects if you dont have cigrettes its all in his mind.

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