
My nephew will be 8 soon and wants the money for his birthday?

by  |  earlier

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however i have been giving him money for easter, christmas etc for the past 3 years and he seems to spend it on stuff his parents should provide

would you carry on with the money or buy a present you know he would like




  1. cant you do both?

  2. My niece will turn 8 this year & I asked her what she wanted and she said "money!" I just said "aww baby,..... I guess that means you don't get a gift from me this year, maybe next year *smile*"  LOL

    I refuse to give money until she's 15 or so.

    What I do with my other nieces 12 & 9,..... I take them shopping for a cute outfit or ask them would they rather have movie tickets or skating tickets.. stuff like that.. and then decide later... but NEVER money.  

    If I give them money.... it's $2 when the ice cream man comes rolling down the street.

    Kids these days are learning that the world revolves around MONEY way too early!!

  3. I would give him a present you know he really wants and has been after, or instead of giving him money, try giving him a gift voucher for HMV or GAME so he can buy a game for whatever console he has.

  4. give him $$$

  5. maybe just give him the money unless he wants something that he did not get!!!

  6. Don't give him the money , instead take him shopping, then you can see the things he likes,

  7. ask him what hes saving for, and how much he has got saved up, and take it from there

  8. I agree, I think a gift certificate is appropriate.

  9. When you say that he spends the money on things his parents should provide, I hope you don't mean clothes!  8 is a wonderful age and he should be enjoying a carefree childhood, which means having great birthday presents.  I would ask him what he will buy if you give him money; if it's something you think inappropriate (like something his parents should provide!), I would buy a present that you know he'll enjoy receiving.

  10. Get him a present instead...

  11. I would carry on with the money. Maybe his parents aren't providing what they should so he feels the need to spend his own money.

  12. I think cash is more for teens, when you think you know what they want, but in actual fact you don't, teens don't like surprises as much as younger kids, and not as predictable either, so I think buying him an actual present, that you know he would like, should be a good idea.

    Besides, you say that he uses the money to buy stuff his parents should provide for anyway, they why not get him a present?

    But I don't think that I really understand what you mean though, do you mean that he uses the money to buy cloths or shoes etc?

    If that's the case I don't think it's necessarily stuff that his parents should provide, unless he used the money to buy a new pair of shoes when all he other shoes are completely recked. Even, if he used it to buy sweets I still don't think it's something his parents should provide, sure, parents should probably buy their kids some sweets, but in a kid's eye, the more the merrier!

  13. If he is spending it on things "his parents should provide",then I would say your nephew is wise to spend his money on his necessities rather than something extravagant when he has needs not being met by his parents.

    I say give him the money, especially if he is asking for it and you know it is helping to care for him.

  14. give him a gift card - most kids want money to choose for themselves now a days

  15. if he wants money let him have it but take him shopping to spend it and make sure he spends it on something he wants not needs

  16. gift card will do

  17. Give him money plus a mini-education about handling finances so he will learn to save, give to charity and spend.

  18. why not get him a gift token that he can only spend in a certain shop.

  19. It should be something that you are comfortable with giving, maybe offer up a shopping spree at the toy store or give him a gift card so that way its not just cash...the other question is, are the parents teaching him the right things to do with his money. You should encourage him to save some money and spend some when he knows what he wants to buy. Not just buying something short term. It will help him later in life, trust me!

  20. yeah theres no problem with giving him money just make sure he is responsible with it

  21. Open him a bank account he can use when he turns 18, then pay money into that for special occasions


  22. Open a building society account for him.

  23. why don't you suggest as a treat for his birthday you will take him out buy lunch and then go and get a pressie together that way you no the moneys not being wasted and also get to spend the day with him, he will love it xx

  24. Don't spare the rod and spoil the child.If you give him money all the time,he may never grow up to appreciate the other simple things of life.In my opinion you should buy a gift for a change.

  25. I would buy him a gift that you know he really wants. Like a new game for his console, a CD or a DVD.

  26. Humm this is a tough one cause really you dont want to upset your nephew or his parents.  Im afraid that I would go with a prezzie something that you KNOW he would could also consider gift vouchers from a place that he can only buy TOYS in and nothing else.....Good Luck!

  27. I would buy a gift card for Toys 'R Us or some place like that so he 'has' to buy a fun gift with it!  Then he can still pick out himself, but he won't be able to use it for necessities.  Or, my sister takes my kids out to lunch and then shopping for their birthdays.  They love it!!  Then she can see what they are going to buy and influence their decisions a bit!  

    You're a good aunt for worrying about it!  : )

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