
My nephews weather obsession?

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Ok so, my 7 year old nephew is obsessed with weather, after being through a tornado he can't stop looking outside at the clouds 5 times a day, checking the weather on the internet and on the TV. It' so freaking anoying and he needs to stop before it turns into a bigger problem. I don't want him to tunr into a freak, and expecially if he tunrs into a meteorologist because of it, will he grow out of it, and what should i do?




  1. This is pretty common - every child in my family went through this stage. They will eventually grow out of it, or it will calm down.

    We had a tornado come down our street when I was little and for the next few years all of us were obsessed with checking the weather to make sure we would be safe if anything happened.

  2. I think if you were to talk to him about it and help him identify his fears he may snap out of it.  That was probably real traumatic for him.  Get him to talk about it so he can start healing. Blessed Be.

  3. well i think its just a phase.. nuthing more hes onlii 7 i mean hes not gonna firure out wut hes guna do wit his lyfe till hes in high skool 4 shur.. so chill he'll grow out of it k?

  4. Oh, I know exactly what your talking about!!!When I was 8years old...I had the same problem!!

    I always knew the weather reports and details!!

    It was especially worse in the winter months because I love snow and I would check day and night for an up-and-coming snow storm.

    My family members quickly noticed my interest in weather and I became known as the "Weather Girl" of the house.

    if anyone asked, "What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?" Or anything like that, the other family member would go right to, "Why don't you ask the weather girl? (My name) loves the weather, just ask her."

    This actually wasn't a bad thing. To have an interest in weather is normal. Maybe mine was a little bit big, but there's no problem in becoming a meteorologist when you get older.

    I grew out of that stage...but still have intrerest in weather. Not as extreme though.

    As a suggestion, I would just let it go...

    I am not sure how I got rid of my "addiction" to weather. I just sort of outgrew it.

    This phase in your nephew's life may just last a little longer, or it may last a few years. (I think mine lasted a year or so)

    Hope this was help!!

  5. You sound like the annoying one.

  6. He is just a young kid discovering weather and is interested in it... I'm sure its just a phase.  At least he is interested in something educational.  .... and what is wrong with him wanting to be a Meteorologist?

  7. Maybe you should try to be more understanding or where his issue comes from.

    My son is 8 yrs old and does the same thing, he even begs me to check the radar as soon as it starts raining to see if there will be thunder and lightning. He is terrified of thunder storms. When he was a bit younger we had a power box on the pole in fron tof our house that blew and it caused a very loud boom and a huge flash of light and then it was on fire. We had to call 911 and he was so scared he was shaking like a leaf. It was very close to our house and he was very scared.

    Ever since then he is terrified of thunder storms. I think he relates it to that traumatic experieince he had when he was a little younger. As much of a pain it is that he goes through this, I am understanding and I know why he does it. I hope that by being understanding and comforting him and letting him know he is safe, he will overcome his fear.

  8. Try not being so insensitive. Young children often develop short term phobias from traumatic experiences. The best way to deal with them is to be understanding and truthful. Let him know that weather rarely turns bad and remind him that he is alive.

  9. is he afraid of tornados? have him look at weather history of tornados in the area. it is likely that it has been several decades since the last tornado and he will realize he has nothing to worry about. he will likely outgrow it and forget about it before long.

  10. I think you should seek a therapist. Someone he can express his feelings to, a therapist is trained at putting his mind at ease, he;s been through a lot apparently, and he needs to release some of what he's feeling to someone who has all day to listen. He is only seven after all, and i can understand your concern about long term effects...

  11. How is that annoying. Does he constantly talk about weather to you, and only weather? He may hae been traumatized by the tornado.

  12. What's wrong with becoming a meteorologist?? So what if he's interested in the weather now. He's only 7. Imagine how scared you'd be if you went through a tornado, especially at that age?

  13. That can happen after going through something like that he need to be reassured about things. tell him everything is going to be alright he should grow out of it don't yell at him either for this he can not help it.  and also meteorologist make good money so whats wrong with that....

  14. it's probably trauma. not something to ignore. talk to him seriously about it and reassure him that nothings going to harm him

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