
My new account was suspended?

by  |  earlier

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My account titled eternaltwilitworld was just suspended very recently, how do I figure out why it was suspended. I just was answering Kingdom Hearts questions, I never asked a question, I was at 230 points with about 30 questions answered. Any idea how I can find out why it got suspended? Thanks for answering!




  1. Hmm I had a similar problem ...I didn't cheat in anyway like answer my own questions or give myself points either. I think just having a second account goes against their guidelines, since ppl could cheat very easily if they had one (it would be hard to keep track of who cheated and who didn't with a second account).

  2. you need to go to the answers forum and ask them there..they actually get back to you and tell you why it was suspended...good luck

  3. I've had this happen to me too. Yahoo Answers really has their snob button on when it comes to this blog.

    Your account was suspended because it violated their terms of service in some way. And since the minimum age of participation on YA is 13, there are very limited things we can talk about on here

    Go to the YA section and ask why it was suspended in that section. You'll probably get an answer

  4. That is so unfair. A glitch? At least you didn't have TOO many points on it, I remember my friend has a neopets account with over 1 million neopoints on it, but then her account was suspended for no reason. so sad :(

    Keep writing to the Yahoo people! FREEDOM OF SPEECH


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