
My new baby corn snake won't go near the water.?

by Guest33682  |  earlier

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Hey. I've recently purchased a 1 month old baby corn snake. I did my research before buying it...I made the terrarium, have proper heating, proper substrate, made a few hiding places (it REALLY likes the cardboard best of all). I also fed it for the first time, and is eating normally. It also seems to be very alert...It likes to climb, and when I walk in the room, it always hides. I assume it does this because its scared of me. It has to get used to me, right?

But for some reason I've never seen the snake go near the water. I use bottled water, and its in the corner of the tank that isn't heated. I just used a bowl I found in my kitchen, and I cleaned it thoroughly before using it for my snake.

Could the snake be using it when I'm not there? What do you snake experts think?




  1. They are nocturnal, so much of their active behavior takes place after dark.  This is also the best time to feed them.  Don't worry, he'll drink and soak when he's thirsty.  Why not join the corn forums?  Lots of experts and great advice.  Also, terrific pictures of corns!  :)

  2. The snake could simply be drinking it's water when it feels safe to do so. If it is afraid of you still, then it will not drink infront of you, instead  will wait until you are gone before drinking from its water bowl. Most likely during the night in my experiance. They do not drink every day and get a good amount of moisture from their food. I wouldn't worry too much, when your snake gets thirsty it will drink.

    Edit: The poster bellow mentioned a very good forum, i am a member of this forum and it is filled with very nice people giving lots of great advise! :)

  3. Don't worry. If the water is available he will drink it when he needs it. They don't drink that often and it is probably happening after dark. I have over a dozen corns and only rarely see them drink. You are doing fine with him.

  4. Snakes don't need nearly the water a mammal needs.  It receives most of it's liquid from the food it eats.  Continue to keep clean water in it's cage at all times and don't be surprised to see it soaking in it from time to time (especially near the time it sheds).  Occasionally you may see it drink but it may do this while it is alone.  As far as hiding when you enter the room, this is just it's natural way.  Don't expect it to greet you like a mammal would (cat, dog) as it is and will always continue to be a wild animal.

  5. I've had a lot of experience with reptiles, (even though I'm a kid haha) and im sorry im not an expert, but i think it's because you just got him and it takes a while for him/her to get used to its new environment. You are doing good with the bottled water, just it's not a very good idea to use tap. And it might be drinking when you arent looking. (That's what my lizards do.) Just give it time.

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