I work for a medium size company NYC. My boss was recently fired and they hired a new manager(who was actually a temp and they hired him-I think he was a trojan horse all along to replace my boss). He is rude, threatening, cruel and menacing. Since he was hired all of my colleagues have gone to HR but he hasnt changed. For example he has told me my work sucks(literally said that), he doesnt want me working for him and he will do anything to get me fired, he wants my personal cell phone number so he can call me even if I am in the mens room and I now have to send him an e-mail when I arrive and leave work. This is ridiculous. I am a middle level manager. The final draw was this week he said to me that "He knows what type of man I am and he doesnt need to describe what that is and i can go to HR if I want and they arent going to do anything about it". I am the only Asian in my company and I feel like he was referring to my race. I wen to HR again and the three ofus are supposed to have a discussion tommorow. I thought about this over the weekend and I filed a complaint with the EEOC as I feel his last comment was race related and his failure to prove my work is poor means to me he has no other reason to get rid of me other than my race. Should I tell them I filed an EEOC complaint? How should i handle this situation tommorow?