Here's the deal: I've had astigmatisms in both eyes. I used to wear normal contacts about 2 or 3 years ago and they were fine, but now I went to a new place to get contacts and they prescribed me the acuvue astigmatism contacts. Anyway I've been wearing the trial pair and the second day in, I had to go back to my glasses, because they were blurry and hurt my eyes. I also developed headaches while wearing them. The doctor told me to wear them for a week then told me to come back so he could make sure everything was alright, but I can't stand wearing them for more than a few minutes before I get a headache. I don't want to give up on contacts and afraid I'll have to, because this new place is the only one that I can go to that my insurance covers contacts and money is really tight right now. Is it possible that the regular ones will be better?