
My new dog snapped at my other dog help! ?

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I got another dog today at the pound and i have a other 1 at home. we thought the 1 at home would snap at the new dog but the new dog snapped my other dog. all the time that my other dog sniffs her the new dog is fine with it but when she sniffs her face she snapped. i was wondering if my new dog will get used to my other dog or will she always be like that. also the new dog had surgery yesterday and i thought it would have been that way because she's afraid my other dog will hurt her right after her surgery?




  1. It should be fine, just give it time. They are just trying to determine who is the dominant one. It is norma for dogs to fight/snip at each other when they first meet so they can see who is the boss, then once they figure it out,they will be fine.

  2. She is probably letting the other dog know that she wants some space. For now, I would supervise all their sessions together. If the new dogs wants some time to be alone, you should keep your other dog from getting into her space. Show her that you are in charge, and you control who gets into whose space, so she doesn't have to do it herself.

    A good thing to try right now, is to do obedience commands with both of them together. Have them both next to you, but not playing, and ask them to do a sit, treat; then down, treat; etc. You can also leave a drag lead on both dogs so that you can control them more easily if need be. Use a light lead, and clip off the loop at the end so it doesn't catch on anything. Make sure to use a flat collar and not a training collar.  As always make sessions fun, short, and pair it with food.  

  3. When one snaps or is aggressive to the other you should step in and "uh-uh!" the offending dog and if needed give him a physical tap to distract him and let him know you don't like and won't tolerate the behavior.  Don't break eye contact, wait til the dog turns away, then you win.

  4. Snapping is just one dogs way of saying "give me my space!" it's typically a warning. Once they learn each others boundaries that will no longer occur.

    My dog used to snap at my adopted dog...but now they are best buds.

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