I set up my aquarium over a week ago and thought I'd done everything right (left filter and heater on for a week, filtered tank water before it went in, added chlorine / chloramine remover, and left it to settle in.) The water was set to the correct temperature for my fish. (24 celcius)
The contents of the tank is about an inch thickness of new gravel, a sterilised old plant pot, and a few cleaned sea shells (I didn't use any soap / detergents when cleaning these or the tank).
I purchased three neon tetras and two zebra's today and did as the shopkeeper suggested ; let the bag float for 10-15 minutes then partially changed the water from the bag and poured some of the tank water into the bag until they were in mostly tank water then netted the fish and put them into their new home.
after leaving them for an hour they seemed happy, but 3 hours later they were all dying and are now all dead.
What have I done wrong, this is my firs freshwater aquarium ever, HELP!